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Requesting Allocations
Researchers may submit allocation requests at:
Note that as a PI (Principle Investigator) or project owner on Radiant you will be billed on a monthly basis for your allocation and information about your campus account will be required to setup your project. All new project requests are currently reviewed weekly and generally approved or denied within one week of submission. If you have questions about the submission process please submit a ticket to the NCSA help desk (
The Submission Process
After logging into the xras submit portal, you will see a list of active "opportunities". You can also view your own requests, and their statuses, from this page. There may be multiple opportunities for other NCSA resources listed here as well. To begin a new request for Radiant, select the green button in the Radiant opportunity (Labeled "Start A New Radiant Submission) box. Follow the form, providing the information requested. When you are finished submit the form using the button at the bottom of the page. Once submitted, your request will be reviewed and you will be notified when the request is either approved or denied. If there are questions, someone from the review panel may reach out to you for information/clarification. This can lengthen the time it takes to review your request, so we encourage you to provide as much detail as possible in the form.
What Happens When Your Request Is Approved
Project PI's will be notified by email when a request is approved. Projects will normally be active within one working day of request approval. Initially, only the project PI will have access to their project. PI's may add additional staff to their projects by adding them directly or inviting them to the project using the Group Management Tool. Access to Radiant is through the Openstack Horizon dashboard at the:
Information on creating and managing instances can be found here.
Project Life Cycle
Allocated projects that have been granted resources on Radiant may use those resources, in accordance with the Radiant terms of use, for the period of their allocation. Allocations will normally be made for 12 months and will not automatically renew. Projects may request renewals within 90 days of the end of their allocation using the XRAS submission tool. Allocations that are not renewed will have a 5 day grace period after the allocation end date, to close out their work, after which all running instances will be terminated. All project data will be removed from the system 30 days after the end of the project allocation. Projects may request to have NCSA transition Radiant data to other NCSA storage resources, if they would like to continue storing data but no longer require Radiant compute resources.