How to access the shared drive

Fileserver is a place to store your files so that you can access them from any computer, as well as a way to share files with other users.  Follow these steps to connect to the fileserver.  You will need to know your University NetID and Password.

If you have questions, or issues connecting to Fileserver, please submit a ticket to

Windows Users

  1. Login to your computer
  2. Click the start menu
  3. Type in \\ and Press Enter
  4. If you are already logged into Windows using your Campus NetID and password, you should not have to authenticate again.  If you are not logged in using your Campus NetID and password, then you will be prompted for credentials.
    In the username field enter:  UOFI\YourNetID
    In the password field enter:  Your Campus NetID Password (this is the same information you use to login to Webmail).
  5. After you have authenticated, you should see a windows with the list of shares available on Fileserver.

Mac Users

  1. Make sure that you are in the Finder; click the Finder on the dock.
  2. Click Go from the menu at the top of the screen, select "Connect to Server"
  3. Type:  smb:// in the server address box and press enter
  4. You will now be asked to authenticate.  Enter your Campus NetID and Password
  5. After you authenticate you should be given a list of shares that you are able to connect to, choose one to view files in that share.

Info was copied from Accessing Fileserver and should be checked in case of updates.