
Text in Black: Information

Text in Red: Action items

  1. Executive Committee Update:
    1. Meetings have been cancelled due to availability of ADs during the summer - no update
    2. If there are any pressing topics to take back to EC, leads are welcome to suggest to John
    3. ICR Policy has been updated for funded projects undertaken by NCSA only, raising the ICR rate to 45%, retroactive to FY 2021.
  2. Update on Campus Salary Program - guidance sent out by Jay Roloff
    1. Most managers have completed this, but for that that haven't the officially due date is next Friday, July 8.
  3. NCSA Budget Update
    1. Budget discussions have been underway to achieve better balance
    2. John has requested a target number for Engagement’s Budget
  4. Admin Updates: HR Lead and Admin Lead
    1. HR Lead search under way (August) - more likely September or October
    2. Admin Lead is also in process (Fall) - more likely end of calendar year
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