
Text in Black: Information

Text in Red: Action items

  1. Welcoming new faces:
    1. John Reid + Christina Tucker for CDA
    2. Matt Berry + Matt Turk for VizPO
  2. EC/MPI Updates
    1. No EC meeting last week; but on-going/upcoming items: 
      1. Theo will provide an update on FY25 budget process.
      2. P&E cases are still in process - currently aiming to complete before March 1.
  3. EngageNCSA - Speaker series kicking off on January 23 (3:30 PM). Please register for a lightning talk by January 17 if you or a member of your team would like to present.
  4. Engagement AD search HRT is currently underway.
    1. Search Committee is Kenton McHenry as the AD on the search, Yousaf S, Maria J, John M, will join from Engagement along with Patty Jones as an external stakeholder.
  5. Discussion on Engagement Leads Meeting - cadence and priorities for the interim period 
    1. With the Engagement Lightning talks speaker series as a separate event, we can reduce the meeting length to 30 minutes.
    2. Keep the biweekly cadence, as the updates are helpful and timely.
    3. Include a standing agenda item to discuss major proposals submitted or coming up.
  6. Other items:
    1. The Center for Digital Agriculture (CDA) Annual Conference is coming up in March.
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