
Text in Black: Information

Text in Red: Action items

  1. Update on FY24 Budget Reviews: John is hoping to provide guidance back to individual groups today once he has more clarity on Engagement's budget target.
  2. The NSF CCRI program is open for proposals and John MacMullen is looking for possible NCSA collaborations.
    1. Deploying cyberinfrastructure for research beyond hardware and software: providing services, training, outreach, and community building.
    2. Unsure or unaware if a proposal has been submitted through this program at NCSA before.
    3. Proposals are due in July:
      1. Is there any interest across Engagement?
      2. Is anyone aware of potential collaborators on Campus in areas where NCSA has strengths?
      3. Tamara: Alain Martaus recently joined the PDO and can help on pre-proposal ideas such as these.
    4. Last Collaboration Cafe had detailed guidelines on what a successful proposal looks like.
  3. Lightning talks for Engagement Programs:
    1. Other members of NCSA have expressed an interest in learning more about projects in Engagement
    2. John is encouraging leads and staff to sign up for Lightning Talks at All-Staff meetings 
  4. Introducing Alain Martaus in the PDO!
    1. PDO Website coming up in the Fall!
    2. Alain can help with pre-proposal development activities; matching for collaborations; merit review; SPA reviews; editing and formatting.
  5. Apple IT issues:
    1. ASPO has experienced continuing difficulties with Apple IT issues through Desktop support.
    2. Requests go to TechZone rather than IT support.
    3. No one else seems to be having these issues.
  6. No Updates on MPI and EC Committee
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