On Tuesday, November 17th from 10:00am to 12:00pm the Nebula web interface and API interfaces will be unavailable for maintenance.
We will work on:
- Testing the addition of new storage servers, but restricting cinder access to specific projects (like the way Nova handles availability zones)
- Tightening security
- Possibly uninstalling the aging and possibly deprecated Amazon EC2 API that comes with OpenStack and replacing it with a third-party plugin
- Possibly installing Ceilometer
Instances and networking to those instances will continue to work as expected during the maintenance time. Functions that try to provision new instances or volumes will not work, however.
Maintenance was completed at 12:00pm CST.
- It came to our attention that some virtual routers had lost connectivity prior to us starting maintenance. This may have been due to an automated restart of certain neutron services which ended up putting things into an odd state. This may have caused a loss of external internet connectivity for some instances. The automated restart was scaled back to only restart services that have become corrupt in the past.
- Security updates were installed and some access was tightened
- Tried installing the third-party Amazon EC2 API, but the installation script had multiple errors and dependencies. Made some modifications to the script, but ran out of time for testing. Errors included:
- Tried using options to openstack role list that don't exist in kilo
- Tried running dpkg-query (even though this is a RedHat system)
- Wouldn't install without mysql-server (we use mariadb-server)