Viewing the Display

Point your favorite browser to:

If you want to share your screen, use the Google Chrome browser.

Initial Installation

docker pull mvictoras/sage2

# create persistent data volumes
docker create -v /sage2/config --name sage2Config mvictoras/sage2
docker create -v /sage2/keys --name sage2Keys mvictoras/sage2
docker create -v /sage2/public/uploads --name sage2Uploads mvictoras/sage2

# to generate ssl keys
docker run --rm -it --volumes-from sage2Keys mvictoras/sage2 /sage2/keys/GO-docker

# edit the configuration file
docker run --rm -it --volumes-from sage2Config mvictoras/sage2 /bin/bash
cd /sage2/config/docker-cfg.json

root@c716949a63a7:/sage2/config# cat docker-cfg.json
        default configuration of the server - Mac OS X, and Linux
        name: "NDS",
        host: "",
        port: 443,
        index_port: 80,
        background: {
                color: "#333333",
                watermark: {
                        svg: "images/logo-vertical-black.svg",
                        color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"
        ui: {
                clock: 12,
                show_version: true,
                show_url: true,
        resolution: {
                width: 1920,
                height: 1080
        layout: {
                rows: 1,
                columns: 1
        displays: [
                        row: 0,
                        column: 0
        alternate_hosts: [
        remote_sites: [
        register_site: false

docker run -d --volumes-from sage2Config --volumes-from sage2Keys --volumes-from sage2Uploads -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --name sage2 mvictoras/sage2

Restarting the Sage2 Software

docker stop sage2    <-- if not already stopped by a sage2 software crash

docker start sage2

Updating the Sage2 Software

docker stop mvictoras/sage2

docker rm mvictoras/sage2

docker pull mvictoras/sage2

docker run -d --volumes-from sage2Config --volumes-from sage2Keys --volumes-from sage2Uploads -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --name sage2 mvictoras/sage2


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