View list of all NDS Environments

Note: This is the "NDS Environments Summary" page.

This is the entry page after log in.

User sees a summary list of all the previously created NDS Environments and their status.

Note: An Environment is considered to be running if its OpenStack Instances are running (Service status is not considered for this).

Show the NDS Environment page for a specific Environment

Note: This is the "NDS Environment" page.

User clicks on one of the NDS Environments from the summary list page and a NDS Environment page is returned that lists all the services that are available, along with whether or not the service is running.

This page also contains all other details about the Environment.

A number of actions can be performed from this page, such as starting and stopping services, viewing logs, etc., that are described in other use cases.

Create a new NDS Environment

User selects an option to create a new NDS Environment.

User is presented with a page that lists all of the defined services.

User selects which services from the list that should be started in the new Environment.

User specifies a number of other required parameters/attributes for the new Environment, e.g.:

  • the number of OpenStack Instances
  • whether to pull from DockerHub or the local docker registry
  • assignment of public DNS name(s)

User hits the launch button, which:

  • creates OpenStack Instances
  • creates OpenStack Volumes (if not already existing)
  • basically, everything in the current script
  • plus,
  • starts the core NDS Services (those services that are automatically started and always running in all running Environments)
  • starts the NDS Services specified by the user
Show the logs for a NDS Service

From the NDS Environment page:

User can click on a specific Service to see the logs associated with that Service.

View NDS Service Information

From the NDS Environments page:

User can click to see more detailed information about a Service, such as:

  • what it does
  • how to connect to it from the public internet

Note: This is analogous to a man page for each NDS Service.

Start NDS Service

From the NDS Environment page:

User can click on a specific Service to start that Service in that Environment.

Stop NDS Service

From the NDS Environment page:

User can click on a specific (running) Service to stop that Service in that Environment.

Stop NDS Environment

From the NDS Environments Summary page:

User can click to stop the OpenStack Instances associated with the selected Environment.

Destroy NDS Environment

From the NDS Environments Summary page:

User can click to delete the OpenStack Instances associated with the selected Environment.

Note: This deletes OpenStack Instances, but not OpenStack Volumes (user data).

Destroy NDS Volumes

From the NDS Environments Summary page:

User can click to destroy the OpenStack Volumes associated with the selected Environment.

Note: This deletes the user data associated with the Environment.

Log in

This will not be implemented for the initial prototype.

User enters userid and password to log into NDS Explorer web app.

Use a hard-coded userid and password for the initial prototype.

Note: This is not the OpenStack userid/password.

Log out

This will not be implemented for the initial prototype.

Create AccountThis will not be implemented for the initial prototype.
Delete AccountThis will not be implemented for the initial prototype.
Reset PasswordThis will not be implemented for the initial prototype.
Maintain User Authorizations

This will not be implemented for the initial prototype.

Keeps list of user account to authorized environment mapping.

User is always authorized for the Environments that the user creates.


  • User must be properly authorized for most of these functions, but for the initial prototype, just assume ignore authorization checking.


For technical design and implementation issues, see:

NDS Explorer Design and Implementation


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