Open discussions on specific topics selected by the Software Working Group and selected from the list of SWG Topics For Discussion.

Monday, March 10, 2021 - RStudio, Notebooks, Google-Colab and Jupyterhub to see how they interoperate, share and re-use work.


Discussion about RStudio, CoLab and Jupyterhub.  Using makes collaborating easy.  It gives you the option to open in various programs.  Give it the URL with libraries and allows you to run and compare notebooks. CoLab will time out after about an hour, but is running 24/7 and has many widgets.   CoLab has autosave, just as google docs.  RStudio has slick displays and widgets.  RStudio allows you to move between several platforms.  Timothy Andrew Manning noted that there actually is a way to mix Markdown and ReST source files in Sphinx.  out for myself the other day.  Sphinx and JupyterBook are only for documentation - it cannot be transferred to other programs. 

Peter Groves shared taking a class on introductory deep learning/AI.

Stephen Pietrowiczshared how he gets images and data from the satellites into the correct repository.

Dukyun Nam shared how he used code and turned it into an interface that showed the output rather than the code.

Vatlab-SoS SoS Notebook is a Jupyter kernel that allows the use of multiple kernels in one Jupyter notebook

Jong Lee Developing code in Jupyter Notebooks - you can define function but can only import Python code.  Jupyter Notebook is a good way to showcase your library.

The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) is a developer friendly, open access journal for research software packages.


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