Open discussions on specific topics selected by the Software Working Group and selected from the list of SWG Topics For Discussion.

Building a Skills Database for the Software  Directorate

Moderated by Ben Galewsky & KJ Naum

Wouldn’t it be nice to know who among us has Kubernetes expertise? How about MatLab developers?During this collaborative session, we will collaboratively design, build and populate a Software Directorate skills database. If you would like to participate in the design, g




Benjamin Galewsky 

Kathryn Naum 

Jong Lee 

Timothy Andrew Manning 

Maxwell Burnette 

Rob Kooper 

Jonathan Kim 

Sara Lambert 

Bing Zhang 

Charles Blatti 

Chen Wang 

@Kastan Day

Matt Berry 

Minu Mathew 

Nathan Tolbert 

Rebecca Eveland 

Yong Wook Kim 

Elizabeth Yanello 

Dipannita Dey 

Santiago Nunez-Corrales 

Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan 


Both Ben Galewsky and KJ have been working on a database on taxonomy for who possesses what skills.  KJ shared the following link for various skills:  KJ is coming from a PM prospective.  Research Consulting has a similar database.  This skill set database can be built into the evaluation process for adding skills.
Rob notes that filling out a spreadsheet is tedious.

Max shared noting that he worked on a similar documents from a previous employer. This is extensive and over complicated.

Ben feels that Miro may be a better way to organize this.

Santiago notes it would be important to highlight also methods vs tools.  For instance, take k-means. There are several implementations, some of which specialize in large data (> 10 GB datasets), others that work on a laptop.

Rob feels that the list of expertise should be "public" to NCSA so that we can reach out to people with certain skills.

Ben proposes that there be categories such as Machine Learning, with sub categories, programming languages, etc.

Jong suggests that for the software directorate we have a sheet that has what programs we use/have expertise in so we can look for where to place RSE's on new projects.

Frontend vs Backend skills (or both)

Discussion followed about specific categories and how they should be prioritized, and categorized, and a heirarchy

If you are interested in contributing to a Round Table, please see these links:

Round Table Google Sheet:  Every one should have edit permission.

Round Table Discussions

SWG Topics For Discussion

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