

  • Welcome and Updates - Kenton
    • Vismayak introduction - Call me Vismu
    • Two new hires start next week
      • Doug Friedel
      • Depannita Dey
    • Michelle Butler will be resigning and Steve PIetrowicz will head LSST and will no longer be a part of SWG
    • Bing Zhang and Nick Kowalik will be taking on extra responsiblities
    • We submitted several proposals this quarter
    • Fellows (formerly Faculty Fellows) had 7 requests for partnerships
    • IBM Discovery Proposal - we were approached by IBM to use Clowder (ClodeFlare)
    • NCSA will be painted and re-carpeted this spring
    • Culture Study - Topics of concern - equity and promotion, communication, center vision.  Each directorate will be discussing this with the team
      • HR Career Paths now has a wiki page
      • What is our vision - ever evolving
      • Visa Process needs to be streamlined and made more transparent
    • Return to office - two weeks notice will be given for return to work
  • Systems Updates - Rob Kooper - no updates
  • Software Working Group Outputs - Luigi Marini
    • Round Tables continue every other week
    • There have been no new focus groups put together
    • Looking to improve the format of SWG
      • Less updates
      • More strategic planning
      • Highlights of the notes are in Slack sd-tech
      • Software Working Group Survey went out.  Please provide feedback
  • Presentations
    • Imad Al-Qadi (CEE) and Qingwen Zhou - Illinois Center for Transportation LCA_LCCA_Webtool.pptx
      • the data is the expensive part and we want to make sure that we control access to what data we provide

    • T. Andrew Manning (presentation slides)

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