Audio of Meeting:  GMT20201216-200206_Software-D.mp4

Video of Meeting:  Available in Box -

Chat File: n/a


  • Place to see activities going on in the Software Directorate
  • Place to be informed about the status of the Software Directorate
  • Place to practice presentation and sharing knowledge


  • Welcome and Updates - Kenton
    • Heavily involved in SHIELD from Saliva to LIMS.  We are trying to roll this system out nationally.  Shout out to all who are working on this.  New opportunities are always popping up for new ways to work on this very important project. 
    • If you are willing to work on SHIELD outside of work hours, shoot Kenton an email as bandwidth is limited.
    • PBS did a piece on this. 
    • There are going to be budget cuts coming, but our group should not be affected too much due to grant funding
    • Our budget for 2021 was approved - including cloud services.  We need to use it or lose it, so use it.
    • In the space of data management, we could start a DOI. We are getting a dataset account for NCSA
    • We have received permission to fund Rob Kooper
    • We hired Santiago Nunez Corrales who will be working with Matt Berry and IN-CORE
    • There has been a culture shift over the history of NCSA.  We should be proud of our work and show off our work in all meetings. 
    • We are looking at expanding on the work that Lisa G does.  We are excited that we will be hiring to grow the UI/UX group.
  • Jong Lee - SIMPL Project engaged with Industry (Syngenta).  It will give us the opportunity to work with industry in the future.  Syngenta presented SIMPL at an annual meeting and they highlighted us!
    • Shout out to Luigi, Bing, Rob and all who worked on SIMPL
  • Presentations - 
  • Q&A - Jong


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