(Shannon forgot to record the meeting (sad) )


  • Place to see activities going on in the Software Directorate
  • Place to be informed about the status of the Software Directorate
  • Place to practice presentation and sharing knowledge


  • Welcome - 5 min - 11:00 to 11:05
    • Welcome Lisa Yanello - new Assistant for Software Directorate
    • Introduce Debbie Greer - Finance contact for the Software Directorate
  • Project Highlights -  10 min each + questions (11:5 - 11:40 am)
    • PIXSURE Project - Peter
    • VBD Project - Marcus
  • Breakout Session (Jong)
    • 6 Breakout groups (random): 
      • How to do: 
      • Step 1: You need to pick a presenter (with/without visual aid)
      • Step 2: discuss (10 min)
        • What is the funniest thing you have seen on a video conference call?
        • Do you have any tips to share on things that are working really well for you?
      • Step 3: leave breakout room and the presenter present (10 - 15 min)
  • Ask Questions here anonymously: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdka5EFSOKMt5-8NJQgPxT89BpPWkKs0jWjFs9Wo22Ng9akDg/viewform?usp=sf_link
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