
This container takes each of its child elements and executes it in a separate thread. The join attribute creates a barrier.


<parallel idPrefix="1P" join="true">
	<while taskName="1WA" condition="$E{true}">
		<declare name="t" double="${t}"/>
		<declare name="p" double="${p}"/>
		<if condition="$E{ ! ( ( ${t} &lt; 0.5 ) &amp;&amp; ( ${t} &gt; -1 ) ) }">
			<call procedure="computeTP" ARG_x0="${t}" ARG_y0="${p}" RET_t="t" RET_p="p"/>
				<declare name="tfinal0" double="${t}" global="true"/>
			<not><is-null object="${tfinal0}"/></not>
	<while taskName="1WB" condition="$E{true}">
		<declare name="t" double="${t}"/>
		<declare name="p" double="${p}"/>
		<if condition="$E{ ! ( ( ${t} &lt; -1.75 ) &amp;&amp; ( ${t} &gt; -1.8 ) ) }">
			<call procedure="computeTP" ARG_x0="${t}" ARG_y0="${p}" RET_t="t" RET_p="p"/>
				<declare name="tfinal1" double="${t}" global="true"/>
			<not><is-null object="${tfinal0}"/></not>

Here, the two while-loops are run in separate threads, but the container task does not return until both threads exit (join="true").

The parallel container generates a number of identifiers automatically, placing them in the environment:

  • The thread object itself is mapped to the generated id, which is the idPrefix + '-' + the number of the child element; hence the first while loop thread would be '1P-0', the second, '1P-1'. This variable is placed on the global frame, for joining purposes.
  • The generated id itself is placed on the local frame as pTaskId.
  • The number of the child is also placed on the local frame as a Long value, pTaskNumber.
  • No labels