RCP Mail 2.0 Tutorial

Data Binding

  • Delayed observables? Only update after a few seconds...not on every keypress
    • org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.observable.DelayedObservableValue
    • from Observables.observeDelayedValue()
       * {@link IObservableValue} implementation that wraps an
       * {@link IObservableValue} and delays notification of value change events from
       * the wrapped observable value until a certain time has passed since the last
       * change event. This class helps to boost performance in bindings (both in
       * validation and in event firing) when the observed value is rapidly changing.
       * A common use of this class is to delay validation until the user stops typing
       * in an UI field. To notify about pending changes, a DelayedObservableValue
       * fires a stale event when the wrapped observable value fires a change event,
       * and remains stale as long as a value change is pending.
       * Note that this class will not forward {@link ValueChangingEvent} events from
       * a wrapped {@link IVetoableValue}.
       * @since 1.2
  • PostSelectionListeners? Dont update for every selection...but wait a bit.
  • ValidationStatus.ok();
  • WizardPageSupport.create( WizardPage, DataBindingContext );
  • ObservableListTreeContentProvider (model provides order)
  • ObservableSetTreeContentProvider (view provides order)
  • ObservableMapLabelProvider
  • MasterDetailsObservables
  • BeansObservables
  • ViewerSupport.bind()


  • ICommandImageService
  • IWorkbenchActionConstants - for locationUris for help, file, etc
  • IWorkbenchCommandConstants - for locationUris for help, file, etc
  • ICommandService, IHandlerService
  • MenuUtil - location for lots of command stuff
  • ISources - variables available to the platform

Common Navigator

  • Programmatic API: INavigatorContentService
  • No labels