Debugging Analyses


could not update ranged style: error in min/max calculation

This error occurs with the following stack trace:

55579 - [StyleXMLUtils]:  could not update ranged style: error in min/max calculation
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Must visit before min value is ready!
	at org.geotools.feature.visitor.MinVisitor.getResult(
	at org.geotools.filter.function.Collection_MinFunction.calculateMin(
	at ncsa.gis.util.StyleXMLUtils.updateRangedStyle(
	at ncsa.gis.StyleProvider.createStyle(
	at ncsa.gis.datasets.factories.ShapefileDatasetFactory.initializeDataset(

This error is most likely caused by the PropertyName in the gisStyle having not matching a field name in the dataset. This often occurs due to mismatched cases.




The PropertyName of MeanDamage should be all lowercase. Find/Replace MeanDamage with meandamage.

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