Blog from October, 2011

Work Completed

    • Drove to Champaign on Monday October 24 for all day work session
    • Worked on Simulation monitoring table to display creation date to better determine which run was launched when. I also worked on the search page and adding code to use Lucene for search. More needs to be done to start storing information in Lucene. Most of the framework is in place to use Lucene for search, it just needs a lucene index to call out for searching simulations (and other things that we will want to search for in the repository).
    • Fixed a bug in the eAIRS tools where the field type for the workflow script should have been application/xml not text/plain
    • Worked with Luigi on testing the publishing and submitting of workflows using the PAW submission code
    • Created a tutorial guide for creating a new Cyberintegrator workflow and exporting/importing it into Cyberintegrator

Work Planned

    • Drive to Champaign for all day work session on October 24, 2011
    • Continue working on eAIRS-web UI
    • Work with Luigi on submitting a workflow using PAW submission code


This week went mostly as planned. Next week we will continue to pull together the eAIRS web application for release.

Work Completed

    • Reviewed and updated Ember resource request document.
    • Updated workflow scripts for Ranger (2d and 3d) and tested them on Ranger. I found that the KISTI.ncsa REST service wasn't used the latest Gondola with the new package name so that had to be updated. After it was updated, the scripts ran successfully.
    • Updated the eAIRS tools with the plug-ins containing the new package name. I also updated the eAIRS tools PTPFlow plug-in dependencies to remove the org.apache.commons plug-in. That plug-in bundled several apache libraries and could cause classloading issues. The updated plug-ins are on ncsa-orbit. I rebuilt the tools and tested them both locally and on the KISTI CI server so that the updated tools and scripts would be on the remote resource for others to use/test.
    • Continued working on the eAIRS UI. I added some tweaks to the workflow monitoring UI and started working on the Search UI. This will continue next week.

Work Planned

    • Work on eAIRS-web User Interface
    • Update and Test Regex for job submission on Ranger. Also, eAIRS tools will need to be updated with the latest package change to Gondola since the JAXB class packages changed with the move to opensource
    • Update eAIRS tools dependencies. The PTPFlow plug-ins that are depended on should be updated to remove org.apache.commons and checked into ncsa-orbit.
    • Review Ember resources request document


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Monday October 10th.

Work Completed

    • Worked on job monitoring UI. I reviewed the cell widgets that Luigi suggested for the search simulation mockup and determined that cell widgets would also be a good fit for the job monitoring UI. I updated the WorkflowService API for requesting workflows from Tupelo so that I could retrieve WorkflowBeans through an API call and have the Job monitoring page update the status of the job with simple paging (only displays 10 rows at a time). We can tweak this later if we would prefer more to display. More work needs to be done so we can (for example) only show the users jobs/workflows.
    • Tested the updated REGEX provided by Jong for our job submissions
    • Discussed org.apache.commons and removing that dependency from the Gondola code. That plugin wraps multiple apache libraries, which is not good practice and can cause runtime errors if something else loads one of the libraries that is bundled.
    • Worked with Jong on exporting the Gondola product for multiple platforms.
    • Luigi helped me with some issues I was having with the generated Async not getting updated by using Maven > Clean. This cleared up some issues I was having with building some of the Aysnc methods I needed for my job monitoring UI.

Work Planned

    • Work on the workflow monitoring UI for eAIRS and possibly the simulation search UI mocked up on slide 15 of the eAIRS mockup
    • Work on other parts of eAIRS as required (e.g. Gondola)
    • Attend KISTI staff meeting (Mondays, 10am)


This week went as planned. I took a half day on Friday October 7th.

Work Completed

    • Tested Gondola REST service and Cyberintegrator Server on I updated the Gondola Server to read the logging level from a properties file and used hard coded logging as the fall-back if there is a problem reading a properties file or no properties file provided. This allows administrators to set the logging level for each package at runtime.
    • I submitted a help request to XSEDE for obtaining a password for my Blacklight account since none was provided. After getting my credentials, I successfully compiled the eAIRS 3d code and submitted a job. I then worked with Jong to updated the REGEX for the script file so the Gondola client can obtain job information.
    • Luigi finished some code for publishing workflow beans and I briefly reviewed it
    • Updated paw-authentication and went through the steps to setup a Mysql database locally to log into paw-authentication. This will be needed for getting credentials and running the published workflows
    • Started working on the UI for job monitoring. I converted some of my earlier code to the Model-view-presenter (MVP) methodology. I need to finish the front end and then start adding in real data from the REST service.
    • Assisted Dr. Nam in getting Gondola running on his machine from his Eclipse workspace
  • General
    • Submitted my completed Conflict of Interest form to HR

Work Planned

    • Test updated REST service and updated CI server with eAIRS tools.
    • Update Gondola server to read logging level and package names from a properties file at runtime
    • Obtain credentials for blacklight account and test running eAIRS tools on blacklight
    • Start working on more of the UI parts with Luigi and convert current mockups to the MVP methodology.
  • General
    • Submit conflict of interest form to HR


This week went as planned. Next week we should be able to publish a workflow and try running it using PAW.