Blog from March, 2011

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended staff meeting
    • Started working on remaining 1.2 issues, found a bug in the web client that didn't allow users to log in.
    • Worked on and resolved MMDB-1142, Tag view has no refresh action associated with it. Users can now push the refresh icon to pull updates from the context that may have been added via the web client.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Continued working on CBI-363. Workflow singleton now manages the context instead of ContextBean/ContextBeanUtil. I'm still working on making sure we can disconnect/connect cleanly.
    • Added issue CBI-364, Context Server does not provide enough support for context authorization. The context needs some way of knowing who the users are and there currently is no support in the Context Server app for adding new people authorized to use it. Currently only shared u/p is supported.
    • Added issue CBI-365. The Workflow singleton will need to have context listener support since it is managing the Context now. Views will need to get events when a context is changed and take the appropriate actions. Previously this was done by the ContextBeanUtil.
    • Attended NARA meeting via google chat.
    • Continued the work to adapt KNSG classes to tupelo beans and added the ability to login to a tupelo context provided by Context Server. This is still a work in progress, but I have so far been able to import datasets to dataset beans and create a new scenario backed by a tupelo bean. Views will need to be added that work with beans as we move away from the old repository.
    • Asked Rob to setup a tupelo repository for the KISTI project
  • General
    • Updated my position profile for Terry
    • Updated desktop to ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Attend staff meeting, 10 am March 14
    • Work on remaining desktop issues for version 1.2 with Joel
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Continue working on CBI-363, moving login with cyberintegrator and using the Context Server to provide contexts. Update views effected by this change.
    • Attend March 18 NARA meeting via google chat (9am - 11am)
    • Continue working on adapting KNSG core classes to tupelo beans backed by a context.


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

    • Drove to Champaign on Monday and attended the KISTI meeting from 3 - 4:30pm.
    • Reviewed KNSG framework data model to determine adapting it to a tupelo bean model
    • Started writing the equivalent tupelo beans, but will need a context to write against. This lead to some common work between KISTI and Cyberintegrator, both needing what the Context Server application can provide
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Started working on the Context Server and CBI-363, moving the login inside Cyberintegrator and removing the interactive splash screen. This is a work in progress to remove the reliance of Cyberintegrator on a context.xml file that it should no longer need.

Work Planned

    • Attended March 7th KISTI meeting
    • Work on adapting KNSG core classes to tupelo beans.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Work on Context Server, a small rcp application to make it easier to setup new contexts and remove the dependency on context.xml. This is part of task CBI-363, users should be able to login from within Cyberintegrator instead of from the interactive splash screen.
    • Continue reviewing UI to suggest improvements.


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue to work on the Context Server since both projects need it and I will continue working on adapting KNSG classes to the bean model.

Work Completed

  • Cyberintegrator
    • Began reviewing Cyberintegrator UI and placing comments on an internal page
    • Opened bug CBI-362, Info and Workflow views do not check for null values when creating UI controls. This leads to some blocking on the UI thread that can hang the application. This might be the source of some strange unhandled event loop exceptions because my sessions seem to go smoother now that these checks are in place. I will continue searching for any cases that null isn't checked while evaluating the UI.
    • Checked in more changes to remove unwanted eclipse UI contributions, CBI-118
    • Created a list of design questions for the KISTI project to help frame the discussion on March 7th.
  • General
    • Transferred data from an old laptop to my new laptop so I can return my old laptop.

Work Planned

  • Work on Cyberintegrator
    • Begin reviewing UI to gain a better understanding of the software and offer suggested improvements
    • Scope work for Context Server to manage setting up & deploying tupelo contexts for Cyberintegrator
    • Work on list of design questions for the project that will help frame the discussion for the March 7th meeting.
  • General
    • Transfer data from old laptop to new laptop


I had some doctor visits and was sick for part of this week. I took a half day on Monday, Thursday and Friday so I did not get to as much as I had planned.