Blog from January, 2011

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended Monday staff meeting via skype on January 24
    • Worked on MMDB-1083, adding support for SSL certificates and handling them properly. I created a dialog that displays if the user attempts to log into a server with HTTPS if the server is untrusted. We obtain the servers certificate, display it to the user and ask them if they trust it. If they do, we store the certificate so the next time they will be able to log in without seeing the certificate. I discussed briefly on Friday with Rob the implementation of the https to clarify some expectations.
    • After getting the https working, I continued working on MMDB-1081 and fixing bugs with views and menus caused by a context/user not being logged in when the application starts and handling this scenario. In most cases, the user is informed that they must log in to use that operation.
    • Joe was not able to get to the backend support for anonymous login last week so that issue is still on hold. I will start working on adding a "log in anonymously" button this week that should log the user in anonymously once the backend supports it.

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Work on MMDB-1081 - Desktop client users should login from within application
    • Work on MMDB-1083 - Desktop client should handle ssl certificates properly
    • Work on MMDB-1072 - Desktop client should provide anonymous login option.
    • Attend staff meeting via skype on January 24


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Checked in changes to MMDB-726, tag display and deletion now handled in tag view and the Info view no longer displays the tags. I left the issue open if we wish to address the issue I had with TagEventBeanUtil returning the incorrect information (possibly a bean out of date) versus another method that returned the right information. I changed the code to use the method returning correctly. I will talk to Joel to see if we should close this issue open a bug.
    • Started working on MMDB-1081, a sub-task of MMDB-1072, anonymous login. I moved the login code to a new dialog that is accessible from the File > Login As... menu. I started looking at which views and actions would break if a Context and PersonBean are null from removing the interactive splash screen login and fixing them. This is a work in progress and nearly finished.
    • I opened an issue, MMDB-1083, to document the issue that came up when Rob switched to https. The desktop client fails to login because of an unrecognized ssl certificate. Rob has sent some examples on handling the cert issue and I will work on it the week of January 24th.

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Finish work on delete tag from within tag view, move tag display from info view to tag view, MMDB-726
    • Start working on Anonymous login, MMDB-1072, move login to within application


This week went mostly as planned. I ran into some issues when Rob upgraded to https and logging in from the desktop. I found a workaround and will work on a more permanent solution this week. Monday was a holiday so there was no staff meeting.

Work Completed

  • MAEviz
    • I was on IRC and Skype ready to answer questions during Jong's presentation of MAEviz at the Univ of West Indies.
    • Met with Jong on google chat to discuss KISTI project
    • Finished statement of work and returned final edits/comments to Jong to finalize.
  • Medici
    • Attended Medici staff meeting on Monday January 10, 2011
    • Worked on MMDB-726, add delete tag capabilities to desktop client and move tag view/delete to the TagView. This issue involved several changes to be made including adding a TagView to the desktop UI plugin so I could reuse code from the Info view for dealing with tags. The intent was to make the TagView more useful by displaying tags and adding the ability to delete them. This required adding some listeners and a callback to listen for delete events. When I removed displaying tags from the Info view this required me to update some of the UI layout. I also uncovered some odd behavior in deleting tags that Joel and I are looking into. It seemed that TagEventBeanUtil.getTags(subject) returned correctly, but TagEventBeanUtil.getAssociationsFor(subject) returned incorrectly (it still returned the deleted tag) so something appears to be out of date. When the app restarts, the getAssociationsFor returns correctly. This issue is still open while we track down what is happening. I will test my changes this week and check in my updates shortly.
    • Started working on different perspectives that can be used with Medici to provide users with views associated with their primary interest (e.g. uploading data, browsing data/images, executing tools, etc). I am updating the wiki with perspective mockups and will continue this week.

Work Planned

    • Add final comments and tweaks to KISTI Statement of Work, it needs to be finished by the end of the week
  • MAEviz
    • On Jan 11/12th, MAEviz meeting at Univ of West Indies, I plan to be on IRC and have skype ready if needed to answer MAEviz questions
  • Medici
    • Attend staff meeting
    • Work on improving Medici UI based on feedback from UI review


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Resolved MMDB-1075 - remove Statistics view and move the statistics to the Collections view. Based on feedback from the UI review, the statistics did not require an entire view and could be moved to the collections view. This is completed and tested. I also removed the statistics view from the Perspective and updated the layout accordingly for those views dependent on the Statistics view location and size.
    • Resolved MMDB-1076 - update the add comment wizard to match the functionality of the web client. The web client did not allow a user to provide a title so that field was removed from the Desktop Add Comment UI. I also changed the comment text field label from "Description" to "Comment" so it was more intuitive and added a title to the Add Comment wizard window.
    • Resolved MMDB-1078 - updated the add collection icon. The old icon matched the collection view icon (a stack of books); however, this didn't match the rest of the UI where adding something had a "plus" icon, also add collection only allowed you to add a single collection and the icon indicated multiple collections could be added with the stack of books. This is fixed. I located a suitable icon inside ncsa.icons plugin which is where most (possibly all) of the Medici icons come from.
    • Working on MMDB-1079 - Update gallery to display collection and dataset information at the bottom of the view. Currently, the collection being displayed is added to the view title and the number of datasets displayed is at the top of the view. I have moved this information to the bottom of the view as "Collection: collection-name" and below that "Showing: X datasets". This should be finished Monday January 10th after it is tested.
    • Helped Jong put together the statement of work for the 2nd year of the KISTI project. This is nearly finished.
  • MAEviz
    • Answered some questions that Machel from the University of West Indies had about MAEviz and extending/using parts of it and provided references to publisehd fragility papers.

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Identify and work on improvements from the UI review that don't require additional group input
    • Work on KISTI statement of work, it is due January 15th.


This week went as planned. I spent a brief amount of time digging through some MAEviz documentation to provide Jong with information for his and Danny Powell's meeting this week with the University of West Indies.