Blog from November, 2010

Work Completed

    • Pulled together a list of high-level tasks for year two of the KISTI project so Jong and I can begin scoping the work for next year and present a budget to KISTI requirement
  • Medici
    • Attended Monday 10am Staff Meeting via Skype
    • Began preliminary work on desktop redesign by sending email to Rob, Luigi, Joel to provide feedback on the wiki document that discusses my review of the desktop client. After they review the document and make suggested changes to the document, I want to pull together a list of high level improvements/features so we can prioritize for 1.2 and I can begin sketching new UI's for further feedback. I also suggested a possible 1/2 - full day meeting to brain storm ideas to get the design started.
    • Found and reported a minor bug with the about screen for the desktop client (version not updated)

Work Planned

    • List high-level tasks for KISTI Year 2 and provide estimates on time requirements for each task
  • Medici
    • Attend Monday 10am Staff Meeting
    • Next major task will be to lead redesign of Desktop User Interface


This week went as planned. I took half a personal day on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday/Friday were holidays.

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended Monday staff meeting via skype
    • Resolved MMDB-1024, Arrows to preview elements of collection should not launch dataset selection event
    • Continued evaluating Medici desktop and determining potential improvements, organized my notes and put them on the wiki at: These notes will need to be evaluated and we will need to open features in Jira for the enhancements we determine should be made to Medici Desktop.
    • Discussed briefly the issues Jong is having with running PTPFlow on KISTI's machines and followed his and Albert Rossi's email exchange.
    • Jong did not ask me to evaluate any time requirements so this might be bumped to next week since he is still debugging the KISTI PTPFlow installation

Work Planned

  • Work on Medici Project
    • Attend Medici Staff Meeting on November 15 at 10am
    • Finished assigned Medici bugs for the version 1.1 release
    • Finish evaluating Medici Desktop client and update wiki with comments
    • Provide feedback on time requirements for future KISTI work for Jong


This week went as planned. Next week I might spend some time on evaluating KISTI feature time requirements since that didn't happen this past week.

Work Completed

  • Worked on Medici
    1. Resolved MMDB-978, gallery view null pointer exception caused by incorrectly displayed popup (nothing was selected so a popup menu should not have displayed). This issue is fixed.
    2. Resolved MMDB-1010, file upload through the desktop client shows file size of -1. This issue was linked with MMDB-972 and resolved by switching to the REST endpoint for file upload.
    3. Resolved MMDB-1011, add tag in Metadata page does not check for empty selection. This was fixed.
    4. Resolved MMDB-1016, preview of a collection does not display when selecting a collection in the collection view. This was fixed by updating the plug-ins in the build since only the build displayed this problem.
    5. Resolved MMDB-1020, check that selecting a dataset in the gallery view does not download the original file. This was verified.
    6. Resolved MMDB-1027, clear cache does not actually clear the preview cache. This is fixed.
    7. Worked on MMDB-972, change file upload to use REST endpoint. There was one slight difference between the web applet and the desktop client that I could not resolve, but I believe should be completed today (Monday November 15th) after Joel provided some further updates.
  • Attended Medici staff meeting/bug session via Skype on Tuesday November 9, 2010

Work Planned

  • Work on Medici
    1. Attend Medici Staff Meeting/Bug session using Skype
    2. Work on desktop bugs for Medici 1.1 release
    3. Time permitting, finish software recommendations and post on wiki


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Friday, November 12. This coming week I will finish working on bugs until Medici 1.1 is released, then I will finish my software recommendations and post them on the wiki.

Work Completed

  • Worked on MAEviz
    1. Resolved MAE-1221, MAEviz latest is not building properly and SYNER-G developer cannot launch MAEviz from product file, this is now fixed
    2. Tagged new build 3.1.2
    3. Created working set that will simplify the setup process for new developers
    4. Updated the MAEviz developer wiki with instructions on how to setup MAEviz using the project set
    5. Nightly build is now building successfully
  • Worked on Medici
    1. Met with Medici development team using Skype to work through a debugging session and determine where in the short term I can help them the most
    2. Checked out Medici to Eclipse workspace and setup my development environment
    3. Ran Medici and based on my experiences I filed bug reports for bugs found. I also started documenting improvements to the software which I will continue doing this week and then transfer them to a wiki for review to determine my next role in the project.
    4. I filed and fixed MMDB-975, AnnotationView had the wrong ID in the Perspective so it wasn't loading that view correctly.

Work Planned

  • Work on MAEviz build, determine why SYNER-G developer is receiving errors launching MAEviz from Eclipse
  • Work on Medici project, determine what role I can play and how I can help the project most.


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue working with Medici to find bugs and potential software improvements and new features.

Work Completed

  • Completed ethics training
  • Worked on KISTI Project and released final version 1.0
    1. Resolved KNSG-95, update wiki tutorial for 1.0 release.
    2. Closed issue [KNSG-97|, create team project set for eAIRS, this was finished for last weeks tutorials.
    3. Resolved KNSG-98, moved a common method to superclass Analysis wizard.
    4. Resolved KNSG-100, allow users to create eAIRS input files within application
    5. Resolved KNSG-101, eAIRS mesh parameter does not vary, this was a bug in the UI
    6. Resolved KNSG-102, added a preference to allow user to specify remote location of eAIRS executable and auto-populate UI field for this
    7. Resolved KNSG-103, add sections on creating inputs and using the new preference to the eAIRS tutorial. This issue was opened to address the new functionality we were going to add to the final release after our meeting with KISTI. This work probably could have been added to the work on KNSG-95, but I didn't see the issue before this was opened.
    8. Resolved KNSG-104, convert all error stacktraces to use log4j.
    9. Resolved KNSG-105, move the top level Security menu to be before the Help menu.
  • Finalized wiki documentation for eAIRS tutorial and architecture documentation.
  • Reviewed final report to KISTI that Jong prepared from our wiki documents on the project.
  • Attended Friday's all staff meeting via webex

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI Project for final release on October 29, 2010
  • Finish ethics training


This week went as planned, the final release was published and final report submitted to KISTI.