Blog from September, 2010

Work Completed

  • Worked on KNSG-91, this issue involves automating the retrieval of workflow outputs. Al finished up a new attribute in PTPFlow last week that should make this easier. This issue should be resolved this week.
  • Worked on KNSG-87, this issue involve documenting all major classes and interfaces for building new applications with our framework. I also added wiki documentation on the architecture of KNSG Version 1.0. This is a work in progress and will continue this week as we begin to wrap up this version of the project.
  • Tested eAIRS/PTPFlow with the new feature Al added for recording the working directory as part of the workflow events.
  • Met with Jong using google chat to discuss wrapping up the KISTI Project.
  • I also answered a few questions about how an analysis in MAEviz works sent by Sheng-Lin, a graduate student of Amr's.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI project and begin wrapping the project by adding developer documentation and documenting main classes and extension points.


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • KISTI Project
    1. Resolved KNSG-81, the issue involved mocking up a new version of PTPFlow's Workflow Overview view. This view was updated based on the mockup after approval from Jong and Al.
    2. Resolved KNSG-82. This issue involved allowing the user to specify the global resource to run the workflow on. This will require more work in the future because the RMI Service should specify what global resources are available.
    3. Resolved KNSG-83, this issue involved providing eAIRS its own implementation of the scenario view, which should be extended from the base class the framework provides, allowing users to control how their data are displayed.
    4. Resolved KNSG-84, this issue involved updating the sample data that comes with eAIRS RCP. We did an interim release midweek to address this.
    5. Resolved KNSG-85, this issue involved allowing users to drag and drop multiple datasets from their data repository onto their scenario.
    6. Resolved KNSG-88, this issue involved updating the text and screenshots of the eAIRS tutorial for the latest release.
    7. Resolved KNSG-89, this issue involved removing an unnecessary field from the simplified user interface for specifying the RMI Service. The simplified version is intended for users who are connecting to a pre-configured RMI Service where the user only needs to specify a minimum amount of information to connect since everything else is configured for them.
    8. Resolved KNSG-90, this is a bug where users could not select the same input twice for the parameterized workflow. Users might be using the same mesh with different input parameters so they should be able to select the same mesh. This is fixed.
    9. Resolved KNSG-92, this issue involved making PTPFlow's help documentation available to eAIRS RCP through the help menu. Users can now access PTPFlow help and I have added placeholders to add eAIRS Help and Tutorial.
  • Released 0.6.1 on September 14, 2010, which contained updated sample datasets. The last releases sample data would not run with the eAIRS VTK executable.
  • Released version 0.7 on Friday September 17, 2010.
  • Requested a feature from Al to have PTPFlow store the job runtime location in the StateInfo made available to the client so we can automate the retrieval of result data.
  • PTPFlow Project
    1. Resolved PTPFLOW-25, I added icons to PTPFlow views included in eAIRS that had no specified icon. This provides a more consistent and professional look to eAIRS and PTPFlow.

Work Planned

  • Work on and release version 0.7 of KISTI Project


This week went as planned. Next week I intend to work on adding the eAIRS Tutorial to the help menu and working on automating the retrieval of result data from the global resource the workflow runs on.

Work Completed

  • KISTI Project
    1. Met with Jong using Google Chat to discuss usability improvements to PTPFlow views that are critical to eAIRS.
    2. Worked on KNSG-81, designed a new look for the PTPFlow Workflow Overview view. The actual work on the view was tracked as part of the PTPFlow Jira project page.
    3. Resolved KNSG-58, users now can launch Paraview visualization toolkit with their CFD results
    4. Resolved KNSG-70, dataset tags are now used to categorize the data in the users scenario view.
    5. Resolved KNSG-74, added a table of contents to the eAIRS tutorial for easier navigation.
    6. Resolved KNSG-80, fixed a null pointer exception that was occurring when trying to retrieve result datasets.
    7. Worked on and nearly completed KNSG-83, I pulled out the common pieces into a super class for the scenario view that subclasses can extend to add their own functionality. As part of the KNSG toolkit, users will build custom applications and extensions need to be identified and documented, this was part of that process. Other parts of KNSG need to be updated with documentation so the release contains all the necessary documentation for building and extending the framework.
  • PTPFlow
    1. Resolved PTPFLOW-24, Updated Workflow Overview view with a new look and feel to improve usability since it is a main view for eAIRS.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI project and releas version 0.6 on Tuesday, September 7th. We are delaying the release to get another feature into the software that would allow users to launch Paraview with their result files.


This week went as planned. We will continue to look at views in PTPFlow that are critical to eAIRS-KISTI and update the look and feel to improve usability.

Work Completed

  • Worked on KISTI Project
    1. Resolved KNSG-51, setup dedicated RMI Service. Jong worked with Al Rossi to setup our RMI Service and I helped test it while they worked through various bugs in PTPFlow.
    2. Resolved KNSG-72, this lets users specify the location of the eAIRS executable on the launch machine and eliminates a hard-coded executable location.
    3. Resolved KNSG-78, I created a simpler interface for specifying the RMI Service when connecting to a remote RMI, less information needs to be specified.
    4. Resolved KNSG-79, added a refresh button to the scenarios view allowing users to refresh the contents of the view.
    5. Resolved KNSG-69, added the options to delete and edit gridftp entries. These entries will be used in the next version to specify which service to use to move local data to the remote location before executing the workflow. Currently, a user must specify the gridftp URI in its entirety.
    6. Worked on KNSG-58, launch paraview from eAIRS rcp with the result file from the eAIRS workflow. We received a new executable from KISTI that will produce result files that can be viewed in Paraview, an open source scientific visualization application. I am in the middle of testing the new executable now and plan to test and release the software on September 7, 2010.
    7. Reported PTPFlow-17, convert ServiceInfo object actions to commands framework to provide finer control where menu options are displayed. With the actions framework, they follow the object; however, some of the actions need to be performed in a particular view part or a null pointer is thrown. If these were commands, we could specify which popup menus they are displayed in so they follow the object only where it makes sense for them to be performed. Converting to commands looked simple to do upfront, but was more involved and will require more advanced command framework logic so I will look into this later as time permits.
    8. Resolved PTPFlow-18, this fixed a bug where ServiceInfo actions that were not executed in the expected view would throw null pointer exceptions. I added a check for null and did an internal search for the part it expected.

Work Planned

  • Work on and release version 0.6 of eAIRS (KISTI Project) on Friday September 3, 2010


This week went mostly as planned. We moved the release date of version 0.6 back to Tuesday September 7th in order to implement an extra feature.