Blog from August, 2010

Work Completed

  • Worked on KISTI Project
    1. KNSG-75, Resolved, added MacOS to the builds for eAIRS
    2. KNSG-77, Resolved, investigated an issue with exporting the eAIRS product with the defined plugins for the features. There were some plugins that were no longer part of the project set that were still in the list of required plugins for the features. This prevented developers who followed the tutorial for setting up their workspace from exporting the product for their machine.
    3. KNSG-72, in progress, worked on allowing users to specify the location of the eAIRS executable for their workflows, which will remove the restriction of the hard-coded location of eAIRS.
  • Worked on Marketmaker Project
    1. Resolved MM-194, which fixed a bug where census tracts were being selected/unselected, but the table profile with the census tract values was not being updated properly.
    2. Opened issue MM-235, a bug where not including the history token in the URL causes a null pointer exception
    3. Worked with Jong to transition from using a python proxy to using a Java servlet for handling XmlHTTPRequests (due to a Javascript security restriction, the domain between requesting machine and providing machine must be the same). Now it is much easier to test code inside of Eclipse since a proxy script is no longer required. This will improve our efficiency when testing new code.
    4. Finished MM-237, which involved wrapping the Javascript code for a loading indicator in gwt-openlayers. This object can now be used in our code; however, the way they change the visibility of the object does not seem to be compatible with GWT since they alter the DIV element so I am not sure this will be useful for us to indicate that a map is loading.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI and Marketmaker Project, Jong has an issue that he wants me to look for Marketmaker.


This week went as planned. It took a little time to get my marketmaker workspace sync'd up with the latest changes since it has been over a month and a half since I checked any code in. Next week I intend to continue working on KISTI towards the next release and any Marketmaker issues that Jong needs me to look into.

Work Completed

  • Worked on KISTI Project and resolved the following issues:
    1. KNSG-55, updated wiki tutorial to include a section on running the parameterized workflow
    2. KNSG-57, added an about screen to the software under Help to display version and contact information
    3. KNSG-59, added imported results from the remote launch machine to the users local repository so they can be accessed within the application, possibly by post processing software that can be launched from our application.
    4. KNSG-61, which allows users to add annotations to datasets (comments, notes, etc)
    5. KNSG-62, when retrieving datasets from the remote launch machine, added an option to tag the dataset as a result to the user interface
    6. KNSG-63, RMI page was not displaying if no RMI services were running, it now displays with a error message that the user needs to define a service before launching jobs
    7. KNSG-64, added popup menu option to add a tag to a dataset
    8. KNSG-65, added the New Scenario menu option to the Scenarios view, it was previously only available from the File menu.
    9. KNSG-66, after a workflow is setup, it now is displayed as part of the Scenario so it can be resubmitted.
    10. KNSG-67, as an improvement, the user interface for adding the gridftp service was simplified into required and optional fields
    11. KNSG-68, updated the default myproxy URI to be the teragrid myproxy run by NCSA so KISTI users could use Teragrid accounts to use the software.
    12. KNSG-71, added documentation to the wiki on where the eAIRS CFD code should be installed and how to install it, a requirement for running the workflows.
  • Released version 0.5 of the software on Friday August 20, 2010, added release notes the wiki.
  • Briefly tested the latest Marketmaker for bugs and reported my findings to Jong.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI project and release version 0.5 this Friday August 20, 2010. Update the wiki to document the latest release.


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue working on eAIRS

Work Completed

  • Worked on KISTI Project
    1. Finished KNSG-49, users can now add gridftp information for machines so that the information can be used to auto-populate the wizard page for retrieving result files. It saves the user from entering the machine URI each time results are to be retrieved, an operation that is prone to error since the URI must be exactly right.
    2. Finished KNSG-54 and KNSG-56, after selecting the finish button for an analysis wizard, there was a long delay between the button being pressed and the execution taking place and there was a check occurring to see if an RMI extension point was available to launch the job. I added a page for the user to select the RMI extension (related to PTPFLOW-16) and altered the finish operation to show a busy cursor to indicate progress was occurring.
    3. Worked on KNSG-59, results that are selected for retrieval from remote machine that job ran on should be imported into the repository and added to the users scenario, this is nearly finished and requires testing.
    4. Finished KNSG-60, added a view to display properties associated with a dataset, including tags.
    5. Worked on KNSG-61 which involves allowing the user to add annotations to datasets (comments, notes, etc), this is nearly finished and will be completed next week.
  • Worked on PTPFLOW
    1. PTPFLOW-16 - added an error message to RMIRefreshClientWizard if no RMI endpoints exist, otherwise a user is unaware that no RMI services have been defined. I also updated how the wizard page creates its drawing container because the specified dimensions were causing problems if the page was reused in another wizard. I tested the fix and no problems were noticed.
    2. Contacted Albert Rossi about a possible API change for Trebuchet, he is out of town and will look into my issue when he returns. He provided me some possible workarounds that I will test this coming week.

Work Planned


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Thursday August 12, 2010.

Work Completed

  • Reviewed KISTI/MarketMaker text for a meeting Jong had with Jim and NCSA management
  • Finished Performance Review for 2010-2011 and sent to Jong.
  • KISTI Project Bugs and Features
    1. Completed KNSG-50 - error creating multiple directories on the machine executing the job. This is fixed.
    2. Completed KNSG-53 - add analysis pages more parameterized CFD workflow, this is finished, but needs to be tested. I cannot test from my machine with the RMI service being a real host, PTPFlow communicates back to the launching machine and my host is not real behind my router. The RMI multi-user service will solve this issue.
    3. Completed KNSG-52 - After a job completes, we need to get the results back to the users machine. This is finished. I created an SSH-like interface for browsing the launch machine and pulling data back to the users machine.
    4. Released and tagged version 0.4, updated the project status on the wiki, added new Tasks/Features to Jira and updated Tasks that have been moved to the next release, including setting up the build server for automated builds and setting up an RMI service for multi-user support. These tasks were moved because we were waiting on a machine to be configured.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI project and Release version 0.4 of KISTI project


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Friday August 6, 2010.

Work Completed

  • KISTI Project
    1. Finished KNSG-48, search for input dataset. There is now a simple way to search for input datasets for the CFD analysis and any new analyses added.
    2. Worked on KNSG-52, after a job completes we need to retrieve the result datasets from the server through the RCP application using the clients MyProxy and gridftp. This is nearly complete and just requires some testing.
    3. Added some icons for commands that were missing icons (e.g. retrieve dataset and install sample dataset).
    4. Helped Al with displaying commands for a view based on the perspective that is active.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI Project, the CFD analysis page needs an option to search for input datasets that fit the field types and after running an analysis, we need some way to retrieve the output datasets from the server that ran the job.


This week went as planned. Next week I hope to work with Jong and Bruce to configure a machine that Jong acquired to run a dedicated RMI service for launching jobs and to start setting up a build server to run daily builds. I took half of a personal day on July 30, 2010.