Blog from August, 2009

Work Completed

  • Attended Eclipse e4 webinar II on August 26, 2009, it is interesting to see some of the UI approaches being taken in e4 with more declarative UIs (e.g. toolkit model), decoupling the UI to make software in e4 more flexible. They are committed to Eclipse 3.x for 5+ years so there is time for transition. Many details in e4 still need to be fleshed out, they seem to only be at the tip of the iceberg right now.
  • I spent more time learning the Eclipse build process and successfully built MAEviz on my desktop machine using Eclipse 3.4 and 3.4.2, I am working now on an error I am seeing when it builds on 3.5, the latest Eclipse. I also fixed our build server (the integration build was failing) and I upgraded the server to the latest version of Hudson. I noticed that our Hudson instance would not render properly in Firefox 3.5 using Linux. This issue was fixed with the upgrade to the latest version of Hudson.
  • Sent email to Liang, a graduate student, regarding the MAEviz retrofit fragilities for bridges.
  • Attended Processes meeting using Google Video Chat.
  • I am following the Eclipse e4 dev mailing list so I can stay up to date on the latest discussions involving the new Eclipse platform.

Work Planned

  • Continue learning the build process so I can upgrade our build server to use Eclipse 3.5 for building MAEviz.
  • Attend Eclipse e4 Webinar II on August 26, 2009
  • Attend Processes meeting via google chat.


This week went as planned. I will continue next week working on the build server with Eclipse 3.5.

Work Completed

  • Got a simple demo application with a view and some small widgets working in Eclipse e4 and wrote a blog entry describing the steps to write an e4 application including using some of the new features such as css styling. I am hoping to expand on the demo after the second webinar which should cover some more advanced topics.
  • The e4 webinar mainly covered running the e4 demos that are available on the web. I believe the next webinar which is this week will go into more details about the advanced features in e4 and what the designers are thinking about for e4 that is not in the system yet. There is a lot of functionality that has not been implemented and some sounds like it is still in the design phase (e.g. adding menus/menu items in 3.5 is done declaratively through the command framework, there is no equivalent in e4 yet).
  • Started learning the MAEviz build system by replicating the build process on my desktop machine. Once the build is up on my desktop machine I will then start building with Eclipse 3.5. Some of the work involved re-writing the windows batch files as equivalent shell scripts for linux. This work would also allow us to use a linux box to build MAEviz in the future.

Work Planned

  • Continue working with Eclipse e4
  • Attend Eclipse e4 webinar
  • Learn MAEviz build system and upgrade the build to use the new Eclipse 3.5


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • Attended CET Staff meeting by google video chat.
  • Attended Data Catalog meeting by google video chat.
  • Continued working with Eclipse e4 to better understand the future of Eclipse. I've been following varies demo examples to learn more about the new features and how we might incorporate them in our future products.

Work Planned

  • Attend CET staff meeting on August 10 from 1pm - 2pm.
  • Attend Data Catalog meeting on August 10 from 3pm - 4:30pm.
  • Continue working with Eclipse e4
  • Work on data catalog when we have enough of a framework to proceed with development.
  • Help support finding new funding sources and writing proposals to win new funding.


I took personal days on August 12 - August 14, 2009. This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • Continued exploring the features of Eclipse e4, got a simple SWT demo working with databinding that I will post to a blog soon. The major feature shown off is writing and eclipse application using the new application framework (based on Eclipse Modeling Framework - EMF) and it shows off using CSS to style the User Interface.
  • Started working with more of the e4 demos that are available that highlight the new features coming in e4, including SWT cross compiled to Flex, XML Windows Toolkit (XWT), and the other demo showing off CSS and some other new features coming in e4. I have already ran the e4 contacts demo which showed some of the CSS features and the e4 photo demo.

Work Planned

  • Explore more of Eclipse e4's new features, get the demos working and write small sample demo's to learn more about using the new e4 features and to display features not demonstrated in their simple demos. Most of the demos I have been trying to get compiled are here.


This week went as planned, next week I plan on taking 2.5 personal days to bring my total down to the maximum carry over, the planned days off are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon.