• Targeted Service Model
    • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
      • Can be layered only over an existing IaaS
  • Targeted Deployment Model
    • Private Cloud
    • Public Cloud
  • Licensing
    • Open-Core
    • WSO2 Contributor License Agreement (sad)
  • Components
    • WSO2 Application Server for service hosting (Web Apps, JAX-WS, Axis2, Spring)
    • WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus for mediation services (and SAP, FIX, HL7, Salesforce.com adapters)
    • WSO2 Message Broker for messaging services (AMQP, JMS, Amazon SQS, WS-Eventing)
    • WSO2 Data Services Server for managing data sources and data access (NoSQL, RDBMS, Flat file, CVS, MS-Excel, Google Docs)
    • WSO2 Identity Server for authentication, single sign-on and access control (SAML 2.0, OpenID, OAuth, XACML, WS-Security)
    • WSO2 Governance Registry and repository for managing WSDL, schemas, policies, life cycles and versioning
    • WSO2 Business Process Server(BPEL), WSO2 Business Rules Server (JSR-94), WSO2 Complex Event Processing Server, WSO2 Business Activity Monitor (JMX) and WSO2 Mashup Server for composing, orchestrating and monitoring business processes and activities.
    • WSO2 Gadget Server for portal services
    • WSO2 Web Services Frameworks for C, C++ and PHP – provide simple APIs for implementing web services and web service clients


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