
Feb 21, 2018


  • Melissa Cragin

  • Carolyn Lawrence-Dill (ISU)  

  • @Bill Gropp
  • Greg Monaco
  • Hridesh Rajan
  • Brian Athey
  • Kevin Smith
  • Jim Barkley
  • Sarah Nusser
  • Aaron Bergstrom
  • Keith Elliston
  • Shashi Shekhar
  • Val Pentchev
  • Jill Minor
  • Bernice Pescolido


Discussion Items


1. Old Business   (open)

 1.a.Sustainability Overview; Report submitted

       Brian - What is the 


1.b All Hands prospective dates:   10/1-3, 10/8-12, 10/15-19, 10/22-25, 10/29-11/2, 11/5-11/9

2. New Business

        a. Microsoft Azure opportunity - Should we have a call for projects?

3. Proposed Topics for discussion (may include presentations by external participants)

4. 2018 meetings

            a. January: Report from the Sustainability Working Group; update on BD Hubs renewal solicitation

            b. February: Website - overview of new structure and discussion

            c. March: Partnership with MS Research & current Azure Projects - Vani Mandava (MS) confirmed

            d. April: Report on the MBDH evaluation and Update on MBDH Partnerships


Additional items for out months: ; Revising the SC By-laws; preparing for biennial SC election

Action Items
