Sign up for Friday July 11th meeting Lightning demos.
Please be prepared to quickly plug in and display your screen.

Please check your demo before the meeting starts, the room will be available beforehand. Please configure your demo so that text will be readable from the back of the room if possible, or at least from the podium and first few rows.

1) Tim Dudek / NCSA Inventory System / ITS  Inventory Tool

2) Chris Navarro / DataWolf Workflow System / ISDA

3) Ester Soriano/XRAS Review Interface/ IRG

4) Steven Peckins/XRAS Admin Interface/ IRG

5) Jeannette Dopheide / Bro / CSD

6) Omar Padron / TorusVis / ADS

7) Liudmila Sergeevna Mainzer / human genetic variant calling on BlueWaters / HPCBio

8) Luigi Marini / Medici / ISDA

9) Rob Kooper / PEcAn / ISDA

10) Kenton McHenry / Polyglot / ISDA

11) Smruti Padhy / Versus / ISDA

12) Luigi Marini / GeoDashboard / ISDA

13) Ashwini Vaidya / Clinical Informatics Toolbox / ISDA

14) Rui Liu / PerfSuite / ADS, ISDA /,



Demos from June 23rd

name / software / group / repo

11.35: Terry Fleury / CILogon / CSD /

11.45: Ian Brooks / INDICATOR / HSG

11:55: Wendy Edwards / SWAMP / CSD

12.05: Andy Loftus & Chad Kerner / Parallel + push / SET

12.15: Matt Turk / yt / astro /

12.25: Ray Plante / VAO Data Discovery Tool (DDT)PyVO / astro (VAO Project)

12.35: Tom Redman / SPEED / Unknown

12.45: Chris Navarro / Ergo / ISDA /

12.55: Stuart Levy / partiview / AVL /

1.05: Robert Patterson / Virtual Director / AVL

1.15: Kalina Borkiewicz and AJ Christensen / Houdini plugins for sci vis / AVL



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