Work Completed

  • I received an email from Sheng-Lin, one of Amr's graduate students, asking about importing building and hazard data into MAEviz. I answered their question and will assist them further if needed. They are doing a single building analysis using MAEviz.
  • Updated wiki pages for Market Maker project.
  • Tested connection to Jong's PostgreSql using Quantum GIS to connect and retrieve data.
  • Finished basic framework for exporting data catalog models. I successfully used the process to export a ShapefileBean logical model's DBF table and checked the code in to SVN. Next week I will update the few model types we have in the DC to support export as well (e.g. file bean, file collection bean, etc).
  • Reviewed some text for KISTI statement of work.

Work Planned

  • Work on ERC Thrust text if needed
  • Work on Market Maker Project
  • Work on Data Catalog export functionality


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Monday, January 25th.