
  • Melissa Cragin
  • Valentin Pentchev
  • Alice Delage
  • Aaron Bergstrom
  • Keith Elliston
  • Jim Barkley
  • James Reecy



  1. Upcoming Spring activities:
    1. Monthly student webinars
    2. Data Carpentry workshops
    3. If proposals in the pipeline or need for letters of collaborations, let Melissa know!!
    4. Any Women in Data Science (early March) events happening on your campus?
    5. Priority Area activities

      1. Smart Communities – event in planning at ISU

      2. Indiana University Network Science Institute Summer event 2020

      3. Ag events at UND in August and September

      4. Seminar series at ISU, starting February - DS for public good
      5. Others?

    6. All-Hands Meeting Fall 2019 - Big Ten Center in Chicago - we'll send tentative dates soon

  2. Next phase Hubs proposal (see Melissa's slides attached)
    1. Need for a new name to current Steering Committee in the next phase, as NSF used "Steering Committee" for a different entity in the solicitation (one that oversees Seed Funds and participates in cross-Hub governance for the National Coordination Entity)
    2. current SC named "Community & Stakeholder Committee" in the proposal --open for discussion
    3. aims of the new Hub - more service-related
    4. new co-PIs at the institutions leading the Priority Areas
    5. Increased cross-institution coordination / comms on events and resources related to : DS Ed & training; Cyberinfrastructure; Data access, policy & ethics
    6. Seed funds
    7. National coordination entity: All-Hubs All-Hands Meeting in 2020 

  3. Impacts of the shutdown:
    1. longer review process might be expected 
    2. with uncertainty on how long shutdown will last, leftover SEEDCORN funds may be needed to secure staff salaries for any potential gap between Seedcorn and new award (estimated award starting date in the proposal was June 1). Plan on asking for no-cost extension anyway.

  4. Call for blogposts
    1. Jim about the M&M working group
    2. Val about new project 
    3. any other collaborative project
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