Work Completed

  • Had a meeting on Google Chat with Shawn and Jong to discuss the Market Maker project and what needs to be done so we can get started. The start date of the project was moved back a few days.
  • Learned about the Google Web Toolkit, which we might use for the new Market Maker project. I downloaded a GWT Eclipse plugin and went through several tutorials that highlighted different features of GWT such as Internationalization, RPC for communication, using JSON, etc. I also looked at the jQuery javascript library briefly.
  • Continued working on the export functionality for the data catalog. I started working on this on Friday so there is not much to report.

Work Planned

  • Market Maker is supposed to start January 3, 2010 so some of this weeks time may be spent on ramping up to start this project.
  • Continue working on Data Catalog


This week went as planned. It is unclear how much of my time will be spent on Market Maker so next week will most likely be a split between Data Catalog and Market Maker. I also have some e-books from ACM on GWT, Restful web services and design patterns that I plan to spend 1-2 hours each week as time allows to learn more about the technologies that will be required for some upcoming projects (e.g. Market Maker). As project requirements become more clear, I will look for more e-books that are relevant to study as time allows.