
Text in Black: Information

Text in Red: Action items

Note: meeting was cancelled; below are some updates

  1. EC/MPI Updates
    1. No EC meeting last week. 
      1. Draft dates for the budget process have been shared; still under review but expect to have the budgets shared for input in early March anticipating a recommendation to the Director in late April.
        1. Email with more detail will be sent out next week (February 1).
      2. P&E cases are still in process - approvals have been coming through.
      3. The ADs would like to be proactive about imminent solicitations coming down for the National AI Research Resource from NSF, in order to avert scrambling at the last minute.
        1. ICI has already begun brainstorming potential hardware needs. Other groups will be looking at what the solicitations may require as well.
      4. Mary Pietrowicz has joined NCSA as a Senior Research Scientist in the Software Directorate. If anyone is looking for a researcher with extensive experience in Natural Language Processing, please connect.
  2. EngageNCSA - Speaker series kicking off on January 23 (3:30 PM). Please try to attend if you will be at NCSA.
    1. Overview of CAPS activities - Joaquin Vieira
    2. NCSA's Quantum Strategy - Santiago Núñez-Corrales and Bruno Abreu
    3. CropWizard - Kastan Day
  3. Engagement AD has kicked off - the posting is live: https://illinois.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/9183?c=illinois&lang=en-US
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