If you have forgotten your NCSA login password you can reset it using the NCSA Identity portal.

Step-by-step guide

Go to the NCSA Identity website and request a password reset

  1. Go to the reset page: Reset.
  2. Enter your NCSA login (user) name into the Username field and click the Submit button.

  3. The following email will be sent to your registered email address.

    A password reset has been requested for the account associated with
    this email address.
    Go to https://identity.ncsa.illinois.edu/reset-code/******** to
    complete the password reset process.

    Before resetting your password, you will be prompted to authenticate
    with DUO. If you have not yet set up DUO for your account, you will
    have the opportunity to do so on the next page.
    (If your session is still active, you can enter ******** manually.)

    If you did not request a password reset or received this in error,
    please email help+identity@ncsa.illinois.edu

  4. Enter your NCSA login (user) name and click the Submit button.

  5.  Set your new password. Please be aware of the rules, which are listed here.

  6. If you did not receive the reset email, please check your Spam folder. If it is not there, submit an Helpdesk ticket.