1. Are both single or multiple PIs allowed?
  2. With multiple PIs can we apply for more funding?
  3. With multiple PIs can they all become Fellows?
    1. All PIs on awarded projects become Fellows and receive a zero-percent appointment with NCSA
  4. Can you submit more than one proposal?
  5. How many do you plan to fund?
  6. Can a project be submitted that is already in progress, but needs more computation or data resources?
    1. No, only new projects can be submitted
  7. Out of the $25K, what is the amount that needs to be spent on NCSA staff?
  8. Are you accepting proposals from other UI campuses?
  9. Can I apply to the Fellows program if I have already been awarded a fellowship in the past?
    1. Yes, however, the proposed project should be new.