
The intent of this tutorial is to update the list of repositories for MAEviz. Previously, this information was served from a webserver that is listed in the MAEviz preferences. We will need to update this to use a local file instead. This tutorial assumes that you have a copy of the repositories.xml file that was previously served from the webserver. If not, please contact the MAEviz development team to obtain a copy.

Updating the Repository Preference

After launching MAEviz, do the following:

  1. Go to File > Preferences. You should see a screen similar to the one below:
  2. For the preference Repository update service URL you will probably see something similar to the one in the previous screenshot. This needs to be updated. In this tutorial, we will assume you put the file on the C drive. If you put the file on your C drive, you will need to update the preference as follows: *file:/