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Remote - SSH

Follow: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh

As stated in the guide, install "Remote - SSH" into Visual Studio:

Then continue to follow the guide to setup a remote connection to Delta.  It helps if you have a local $HOME/.ssh/config with your commonly used hosts already present on the laptop and ssh client where you will be using visual studio.  Here's an example entry for Delta.  Change your username to your login name on Delta.  Visual Studio will show hosts in your config in a pick list.

Host delta
        HostName login.delta.ncsa.illinois.edu
        User arnoldg
        ForwardX11 True

Once connected, you can work with the remote system as if it were local.  When Visual Studio needs to install extension items on the remote system, they will go into your $HOME/.vscode-server on Delta.  Visual Studio takes care of all the details for you:

[arnoldg@dt-login03 ~]$ du -sh .vscode-server/
523M	.vscode-server/
[arnoldg@dt-login03 ~]$ 

Proceed to F1 → Remote SSH and connect to Delta, then following the guide, use Visual Studio as normal.  This is an example of working with a C file remote on Delta.

Remote Jupyter 

See: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/datascience/jupyter-notebooks#_connect-to-a-remote-jupyter-server and Delta User Guide#Jupyternotebooks  (open 2 new browser tabs).

Install the Jupyter extension for Visual Studio if you have not already done so.  

Complete the 1st step from the Delta User guide where you srun a jupyter-notebook on a compute node.  Make note of and copy the 1st URL after the job is running.  That is the URI you will provide to Visual Studio's "Connect to a Remote Jupyter Server" after clicking the Kernels button.  You may also need to select the remote jupyter kernel under the kernels in VScode.