For scientists wanting to jump right into using C3 through Python or R, the Jupyter notebook integrated into C3 is a great option. Once you get a vanity url/tenant/tag, you can easily access the integrated jupyter notebook by navigating to `<vanity_url>/jupyter`.

When you access the jupyter path, C3 will spin up a new container containing a jupyter instance. The first time you do this, it will take a few minutes for this provisioning to be completed behind the scenes. Once completed, you'll arrive at a jupyter directory!

Here is some additional guidance for setting up the Python Runtime Action: DTI Guide to Python Action Runtimes in the C3 AI Suite.

There are a couple of options to interact with the jupyter notebooks

Creating new notebooks

This notebook comes already connected to the C3 package currently provisioned on your tenant/tag and so for example, if you have the Covid-19 Datalake provisioned, you'll be able to do the following with no preparation:

Simply navigate to the `tutorials` directory, and select the tutorial you want to use. These tutorial notebooks should work out of the box. The DTI highly recommends going through the `TutorialIntroJupyterNotebook.ipynb` notebook. This notebook provides a great foundation for working with C3 through Juptyer.

Upload a new notebook

Finally, you can upload a new notebook.