C3 Resources

COVID-19 API Documentation

Official C3 documentation related to the COVID-19 Datalake Public API.

Main C3 Developer Documentation Page.

Official C3 Developer Documentation Page. A C3 account is required to view this page.

C3 AI Suite Getting Started Guide

Official C3 Developer Guide to using C3. This guide is highly recommended to go
through for any researcher planning on using the C3 platform itself rather than just
accessing data through the public API.

DTI Resources

Some resources are planned. Links will be added as content is created.

DTI IDS Introduction

This introduction to C3 IDS is geared towards researchers. (PLANNED)

DTI Introduction to the C3 platform

This introduction to the C3 platform is geared towards researchers. (PLANNED)

DTI Guide for Advanced users

This guide is meant to cover issues some advanced users may encounter. (PLANNED)