How do I apply for an account?

First, please fill out this application form.  The form asks why you need an account and what resources you will be using. 

Next, you will receive an email with the link that you must follow to request the actual user account on HAL.  You must follow this link to create an NCSA user ID (if you do not have one) and to request membership in the corresponding LDAP group. Check your emails and follow the instructions.  

I want to use <insert application name> on HAL! Can you install it?

Firstly, please check if the application you want supports ppc64le architecture. HAL uses IBM's POWER9 architecture in order to achieve improved multi-GPU performance, but this come at the cost that common x86 software may not work on HAL. If an application states it supports ppc64le, it still may not work on HAL, because the older POWER8 architecture uses the same ppc64le identifier but is not 100% compatible. We are happy to help you test the application if this is the case.

Once you identify a version of the application that supports POWER9, see the following guidelines for installation: