Understanding the Proposal Development and Business Offices

From crafting budgets and setting up accounts, to submitting continuations and writing up contracts, NCSA's Proposal Development Office and Business Office both work to provide staff and affiliated researchers with support for funded research. But each have their expertise

Who Does What?

Use the table to determine who to ask about what for each stage of the funding cycle. 

Award StageProposal Development OfficeBusiness Office 


Review & assign submissions
Perform funding searches
Estimate potential budgets
Provide SciENcv support     
Determine contracts
vs gifts    
vs Sponsored Research

Proposal Development

Review & assign submissions
Perform funding searches
Estimate potential budgets
Provide SciENcv support
Develop contracts, includingbudgets & negotiation 
Draft & manage NDAs
Proposal SubmissionCreate & update records
Review documentation
Coordinate with SPA
Coordinate with collaborators

Award Set-Up
Set up anticipation accounts
Establish subfunds
Award Management
  • Monthly financial statements
  • Award change requests
  • Re-budgets
  • Subaward management
  • Invoicing
  • Semiannual confirmations
  • Award closeouts 
Other Support

Proposal file updates

Incremental funding requests
No cost extensions
Financial report support

Who to Contact First? 

Sometimes there’s a specific office to contact, and sometimes we collaborate to get researchers the answers they need.
Use the list below to learn who to contact first about a few common requests. 

Who to Contact First 
I want to submit a proposal for a sponsored project. Proposal Commencement Tool
I want to do work for a non-profit or industry partner. But I don’t know if the work is a sponsored project, a contract, or a gift. Business Office
I want a quick draft of a budget, not a formal budget for submission. Proposal Development Office
I need to know if an expense is exempt from F&A. Proposal Development Office
I want to adjust costs in my awarded budget / request a rebudget. Business Office
I want to reduce my effort on a project to allocate time for another project. Business Office
I need help with:
 • a no-cost extensionBusiness Office
• an incremental funding requestBusiness Office
• an award supplementProposal Development Office
• a continuationProposal Development Office
I’m not sure which of the above I am requesting! Business Office
I want to include cost share in my proposal. Who do I ask about that? Proposal Development Office
My grant will generate income (e.g., conferences, offering programs & services).
Who do I ask about that? 
Business Office
I need support on something that isn’t listed as a service of either office. Proposal Development Office

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