• Targeted Service Model
    • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Targeted Deployment Model
    • Public Cloud
    • Private Cloud
    • Hybrid Cloud
  • Hypervisor Support
    • Xen
    • KVM
    • VMware
  • Multi-Tenancy
    All aspects of the platform are multi-tenant. This includes logging, auditing, billing, and end-user control panel.
  • Network Models
    • Configurations,
      • Ranged Virtual Network: A network defined by a range of IP addresses
      • Fixed Virtual Network: A network defined using a set of IP-MAC pair addresses
    • Virtual Networks can be made public/private
  • Storage Support
    • FibreChannel
    • iSCSI
    • NAS
    • Local SCSI/SAS/SATA
  • Virtual Machine Image Registry
    • Supports transfer to NFS, LVM with cow, VMFS, etc.
  • Control Panel
    • Command Line Interface
    • OpenNebula Sunstone GUI
  • Security
    • Authentication
      • Username and Password
      • SSH RSA keypairs
      • LDAP
    • Isolated Virtual Networks
    • Inter and Intra network communications through SSL
  • Interoperatiblity
    • API
    • Supports multiple popular Virtualization Formats
    • Supports multiple popular Hypervisors
    • Adaptable/Customizable using plugins
    • Integration with existing tools like Ganglia
  • Other
    • Cloud Bursting
      • Outsource VM to public cloud
      • Supports Amazon EC2
      • Simultaneous access to multiple cloud (private/public)
    • Federation
      • Federate multiple cloud instances to build a hierarchy of independent clusters


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