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Kubernetes Access

Access to the cluster is controlled using SUSE Rancher. You can login with your NCSA credentials. You should see a list of all the clusters you have access, you want to download the config for k8s-class

export KUBECONFIG=~/k8s-class.yaml
kubectl version --short
Flag --short has been deprecated, and will be removed in the future. The --short output will become the default.
Client Version: v1.24.15
Kustomize Version: v4.5.4
Server Version: v1.24.9

We can see that we have access to the cluster (running kubernetes 1.24.9)

Lets also check what other commands we can do


Nodes (no)

Time to see how many nodes we have. How do we get the list of the nodes

list nodes
> kubectl get nodes
NAME                        STATUS   ROLES               AGE    VERSION
k8s-class-controlplane-01   Ready    controlplane,etcd   128m   v1.24.9
k8s-class-controlplane-02   Ready    controlplane,etcd   89m    v1.24.9
k8s-class-controlplane-03   Ready    controlplane,etcd   86m    v1.24.9
k8s-class-worker-01         Ready    worker              126m   v1.24.9
k8s-class-worker-02         Ready    worker              126m   v1.24.9
k8s-class-worker-03         Ready    worker              90m    v1.24.9

Namespace (ns)

List all namespaces

list namespaces
> kubectl get namespace
NAME                          STATUS   AGE
cattle-fleet-system           Active   128m
cattle-impersonation-system   Active   129m
cattle-system                 Active   129m
cinder-csi                    Active   125m
default                       Active   130m
kube-node-lease               Active   130m
kube-public                   Active   130m
kube-system                   Active   130m
local                         Active   128m
metallb-system                Active   122m
nfs-taiga                     Active   122m
traefik                       Active   122m

Create a namespace

create namespaces
> kubectl create namespace kooper
namespace/kooper created

Show namespace object in yaml

create namespaces
> kubectl get namespace kooper -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  annotations: '{"Conditions":[{"Type":"ResourceQuotaInit","Status":"True","Message":"","LastUpdateTime":"2023-06-25T13:35:36Z"},{"Type":"InitialRolesPopulated","Status":"True","Message":"","LastUpdateTime":"2023-06-25T13:35:36Z"}]}' "true"
  creationTimestamp: "2023-06-25T13:35:35Z"
  labels: kooper
  name: kooper
  resourceVersion: "296036"
  uid: 6c4092ca-4024-4814-a2c0-5739777ea3aa
  - kubernetes
  phase: Active

Lets make our life easier, and use this namespace by default

create namespaces
> kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kooper
Context "k8s-class" modified.

  • No labels