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  • The red background of Bridge Damage indicates that not all required inputs have been set. To begin, click once on the Bridge Damage box in the graph and an input form should appear below the analysis graph. See figure below. Under the required tab of the form, you will need to provide several inputs. Since we have a default set loaded, the form has several filled in fields and the next instructions will probably not apply to your scenario, but might be good to review. Otherwise, we would have to load datasets containing Fragilities, Fragility Mapping, and Expected Value into the scenario. To run this analysis, you must load datasets that contain these data if they are not already filled in. Also, select the bridges that we loaded from the Bridge drop-down menu and enter a name for the resulting dataset in the result name field (e.g. Bridge Damage).


  • To help you locate or generate the necessary input data that we don't have in our scenario, the Analysis Form provides two types of buttons, the Find Dataset button ( Search), and the Generate Dataset from Analysis button ( Create)
  • To find a Fragilities dataset to run your bridge damage with, click the Find Dataset button ( Image Added). The window that appears contains a list box of all Fragilities Datasets that could be found in any of the data repositories that you are connected to. Select Default Bridge Fragilities from the list, and click Finish. See figure below. To find an Expected Value dataset follow the same steps for the related field and select Bridge Damage Ratios from the list, and click Finish. Follow the same steps for the Fragility Mapping dataset but select Default Bridge Fragility Mapping from the list.