Event coordination for a open source software project can represent major share of the project's outreach and education effort allocation. NCSA's Cybersecurity and Networking Division has hosted or coordinated numerous events for the Bro Project. Below is a detailed list of tasks and lessons learned from coordinating events at NCSA and other venues.
Benefits of sponsorship: Sponsorship gives sponsors access to community members and vice versa, funds can help pay for items not covered by the grant (alcohol, swag), extra funds helps keep ticket costs low without burning down the grant.
Challenges with sponsorship: Communication back and forth with sponsors can be laborious, identify a point of contact to keep communication on track. Writing a prospectus will help clearly define what is included with sponsorship and sets expectations. A prospectus also provides sufficient documentation for the sponsor to get approval from their management to grant funds.
Review and update sponsorship prospectus, send to leadership team for approval
Announce sponsorship opportunities – either with save the date or other announcement mailing
Distribute prospectus to archived list of sponsors (keep a list of interested sponsors for future events)
Begin collecting/archiving interested sponsors (we used JIRA)
Sponsors must review and sign agreement (included in prospectus)
Forward agreement to purchasing/finance dept for invoicing (usually takes 30 days)
Request logo from sponsor, post to website
Send sponsorship promo code for # free tickets
Make sure sponsors register before you run out of tickets
Give sponsors "shout out" on social media
Be available to sponsors for questions about the venue or logistics
Before and after conference: send sponsors the list of attendees who opted in to share contact info
The day(s) before the conference
Print registration lists (2 copies so someone can assist with checking in)
Last minute badge assembly
Gather highlighters for marking off registration list during check-in
Visit venue, do as much table setup as possible
Prepare swag (the day before if possible, or early the first morning of the conference)
The first day of the conference
Finish setting up
Keep registration lists private, not out for passersby to see/photograph
Check-in attendees, distribute swag
Request someone sit at registration to check-in late arrivals
Be prepared to help a few attendees who show up and learn they aren't registered (either their purchasing office never bought tickets, or the tickets are in the wrong name). In the case of purchasing office not buying tickets, attendees usually buy them online in the lobby and deal with their purchasing issue later.
(The first day or after) Record attendance in a spreadsheet to keep track of it
Occasionally people will request proof of attendance, I sent an email confirming attendance but a more formal process may be necessary
During the conference
Emcee or assign an emcee, introduce speakers, breaks, and other event logistics
Get water for speakers (either from caterer or event coordinator)
Take photos of speakers
Post to social media
Check in with catering managers and event hosts
Notify attendees when breaks are over to get them back into the auditorium (Ex: Singing bowl, ringing a bell)
Make survey (we used Google forms):
"Thanks for attending BroCon '17! Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey.
1. Rate the value of presentation topics offered this year: (scale 0 - 3)
2. Rate the quality of the presentations: (scale 0 - 3)
3. Comments about the presentations (optional): (paragraph)
4. Rate the organization of the conference (event venue, communication, agenda updates, etc.): (scale 0 - 3)
5. Rate the food (breakfast, lunch, reception dinner): (scale 0 - 3)
6. Comments about the event preparation, execution, and food (optional): (scale 0 - 3)
7. Give a brief description of how you use Bro (optional): (paragraph)
8. Are you currently using Bro in a production setting? (yes / no / I plan to / other)
9. Rate your skill level with Bro: (many years experience / I use it but not an expert / I am a beginner / I do not use Bro)"
Distribute on the last day of the conference
Close survey ~1 month after BroCon, send results to Bro team. Remind people to take the survey.
Collect videos from AV service
Some videos may need post production editing, based on how they begin or whether presenter displayed information that should be private (IPs, etc.)
Post videos to YouTube, include tags, abstract, speaker name
Post links to agenda
Confirm with the speakers that you are posting approved content
Collect presenter slides
Convert slides to PDF
Upload to website
Post links to agenda
Odd purchase requests
You may receive a request to purchase tickets through a purchase order. Our registration form didn't accept purchase orders. You may need to put these people in contact with purchasing dept to work out some method of payment that satisfies both parties.