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Action Items

  1. Melissa will send out draft of changes for the website
  2. Wiki page is open to fill in events information


  • Melissa Cragin
  • Alice Delage
  • Laura Martin
  • Erin Mullenix
  • Jill Minor
  • Aaron Bergstrom
  • John MacMullen




  1. Spring/Fall Events planning will happen after the winter break
  2. Newsletter will more than likely not be sent out this month



  1. Erin:
    1. having last big data seminar for the semester on Monday, 12/4, however not very many have signed up remotely.
      1. Will change structure/format to include more student participation and setup as a more collaborative and engaging experience. (i.e. start with a half-baked idea that group can work on together)
    2. Meeting with summer school planning team for May 2018.
    3. Launching data driven website on Iowa campus
    4. Attended meeting with presidential leader that is working on team science, establishing interdisciplinary connections. He is very interested in the Hub
      1. Melissa & Erin will have an off-line conversation to further discuss
    5. Community/local gov. research: hosting people from VA Tech to re-visit partnership and sees this as an opportunity to connect the Hub.
    6. Hosting Business analytics symposium in April 2018 (DesMoines, IA) - will have a lot of Industry companies coming


  1. Jill
    1. Questions:
      1. Wiki -Will people start using this to post events that are happening around their campus and Hub?
        1. Melissa: currently have been gathering information to put on website however is open to have items posted to wiki that can be pulled off and put onto website.
      2. Education Initiatives - especially Lior's work
        1. Melissa is working on putting agenda together for several steering committee meetings. And will have a webinar mid-December where Melissa will discuss further. Blog has been initiated as well.
        2. Gave Lior 1/3 of the supplement money to drive this initiative and will have a webinar in March of 2018.
  2. Aaron
    1. Organizing meeting with agri college folks
    2. Will have UAS -Ag in conjunction with media groups seminars(webinar) starting in January 2018
      1. Aaron to send details to Melissa to send out to all via email/newsletter
  3. Alice
    1. Website development/revamping
      1. Will send out suggested content changes to group to get feedback
    2. IT Research (CIO), Tracy Smith (PI Champ Gigabit City project) - pitch on partnership between Hub and IT Research. proposal sent in to US Ignite to further partnership
      1. There is a large IL Hack A Thon in order to help develop gigabit applications for the IL area. Winners will receive real dollars and support to finish developing product.


Action Items

  1. Melissa will send out draft of changes for the website
  2. Wiki page is open to fill in events information