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Table of Contents

Installation (Delta system, rgpu02 preliminary documentation)

For admins/sw team: Use Spack to install cuda, and the nsys command for Nsight Systems is included.

Code Block
titlewhich nsys
[arnoldg@rgpu02 rgpu02]$ module load cuda
[arnoldg@rgpu02 rgpu02]$ which nsys
[arnoldg@rgpu02 rgpu02]$ 

Installation (NVIDIA Nsight Systems client on local desktop/laptop)

Open and navigate to the Developer Tools Downloads button, then select Nsight Systems and your operating system.  If you don't have an account at set one up when prompted and when you have completed the forms, your download will begin.  Install the application on your local machine.  You will download output files from the server command line application and use the GUI locally on your laptop.

Run application on Delta

Code Block
titlensys with serial or python cuda code
$ srun nsys profile -o /path/to/mynysys.out --stats=true ./a.out

Code Block
titlensys wrapper for mpi and HPC cuda codes
[arnoldg@dt-login03 gromacs]$ cat 
# Use $PMI_RANK for MPICH, $OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK for openmpi, and $SLURM_PROCID with srun.
if [ $SLURM_PROCID -eq 1 ]; then
  nsys profile -e NSYS_MPI_STORE_TEAMS_PER_RANK=1 -o gmx.nsys --gpu-metrics-set=2 "$@"

Code Block
titlebatch script , --constraint=
#SBATCH --constraint=perf,nvperf
# the slurm script should run the wrapper above instead of "nsys ..."
time srun $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/ \
  gmx_mpi mdrun -nb gpu -pin on -notunepme -dlb yes -v -resethway -noconfout -nsteps 4000 -s water_pme.tpr

# see

MPI rank example result (viewing with nsight on local desktop )

Copy resultant files to your local laptop ( Downloads/ or Documents/ )

scp is shown below, you could also use globus online, sftp, or an sshfs mount from your laptop.

Code Block
titlensys output file example names
# Delta
[arnoldg@rgpu02 rgpu02]$ ls /tmp/nsys*
/tmp/nsys-report-988d.sqlite  /tmp/nsys-report-b26d.nsys-rep
[arnoldg@rgpu02 rgpu02]$ 

# local laptop (MacOS example)
(base) galen@macbookair-m1-042020 ~ % cd Downloads
(base) galen@macbookair-m1-042020 Downloads % pwd
(base) galen@macbookair-m1-042020 Downloads % sftp

NCSA Delta System

Login with NCSA Kerberos + Duo multi-factor.

DUO Documentation:

( Password: 
( Duo two-factor login for arnoldg

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-1120
 2. Duo Push to Ipad mini (iOS)
 3. Duo Push to red ipod (iOS)

Passcode or option (1-3): 1
Connected to
sftp> cd /tmp
sftp> mget nsys*
Fetching /tmp/nsys-report-988d.sqlite to nsys-report-988d.sqlite
/tmp/nsys-report-988d.sqlite                  100%  748KB   2.7MB/s   00:00    
Fetching /tmp/nsys-report-b26d.nsys-rep to nsys-report-b26d.nsys-rep
/tmp/nsys-report-b26d.nsys-rep                100%  288KB   1.7MB/s   00:00    

Open NVIDIA Nsight Systems

Under the File menu, select "open" then navigate to your Downloads/ folder and select the nsys* file of interest (nays-report-b26d.nsys-rep in this example).  Explore the data in the GUI application.

See also: NVTX source code annotations blog article at NVIDIA (can annotate c/c++/python GPU or CPU code)

Python with NVTX 


Code Block
titleinstalling nvtx via pip
[arnoldg@rgpu02 nvtx]$ module load python cuda
[arnoldg@rgpu02 nvtx]$ C_INCLUDE_PATH=$CUDA_HOME/include pip install nvtx
Collecting nvtx
  Using cached nvtx-0.2.3.tar.gz (10 kB)
  Installing build dependencies ... done
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
  Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done
Building wheels for collected packages: nvtx
  Building wheel for nvtx (pyproject.toml) ... done
  Created wheel for nvtx: filename=nvtx-0.2.3-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=177533 sha256=875e0f9d4322d07db4bce397b4281ce301f348cf72e00629b0d7bc23a7db0231
  Stored in directory: /u/arnoldg/.cache/pip/wheels/66/7a/44/68c48f02433263010768b540b0e90bf5a224dd7e6612d88887
Successfully built nvtx
Installing collected packages: nvtx
Successfully installed nvtx-0.2.3
[arnoldg@rgpu02 nvtx]$ 

Run with nsys cli:

Code Block
titlesample nsys run with stdout
[arnoldg@rgpu02 nvtx]$ nsys profile -o nvtx_simple.profile --stats=true ./ 

Warning: LBR backtrace method is not supported on this platform. DWARF backtrace method will be used.
Failed to create '/u/arnoldg/rgpu02/cuda/nvtx/nvtx_simple.profile.nsys-rep': File exists.
Use `--force-overwrite true` to overwrite existing files.
Generating '/tmp/nsys-report-1c93.qdstrm'
[1/8] [========================100%] nsys-report-d073.nsys-rep
Failed to create '/u/arnoldg/rgpu02/cuda/nvtx/nvtx_simple.profile.sqlite': File exists.
Use `--force-overwrite true` to overwrite existing files.
[2/8] [========================100%] nsys-report-e498.sqlite
SKIPPED: /tmp/nsys-report-e498.sqlite does not contain CUDA trace data.
SKIPPED: /tmp/nsys-report-e498.sqlite does not contain CUDA kernel data.
SKIPPED: /tmp/nsys-report-e498.sqlite does not contain GPU memory data.
SKIPPED: /tmp/nsys-report-e498.sqlite does not contain GPU memory data.
[3/8] Executing 'nvtxsum' stats report

NVTX Range Statistics:

 Time (%)  Total Time (ns)  Instances      Avg (ns)          Med (ns)         Min (ns)        Max (ns)       StdDev (ns)     Style   Range
 --------  ---------------  ---------  ----------------  ----------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  -----
     50.0   10,010,633,188          1  10,010,633,188.0  10,010,633,188.0  10,010,633,188  10,010,633,188              0.0  PushPop  f()  
     50.0   10,010,401,574          5   2,002,080,314.8   2,002,090,885.0          15,729   4,004,111,558  1,582,756,979.0  PushPop  loop 

[4/8] Executing 'osrtsum' stats report

Operating System Runtime API Statistics:

 Time (%)  Total Time (ns)  Num Calls     Avg (ns)         Med (ns)      Min (ns)    Max (ns)       StdDev (ns)           Name        
 --------  ---------------  ---------  ---------------  ---------------  --------  -------------  ---------------  -------------------
    100.0   10,010,198,683          5  2,002,039,736.6  2,002,047,874.0     3,025  4,004,056,124  1,582,740,553.2  select             
      0.0        1,005,734         46         21,863.8         21,656.0    18,866         27,070          1,608.1  open64             
      0.0          495,879         49         10,120.0          4,960.0     1,262         67,747         12,669.1  read               
      0.0           38,843         10          3,884.3          3,957.5     3,186          4,559            408.1  mmap64             
      0.0           34,164          1         34,164.0         34,164.0    34,164         34,164              0.0  write              
      0.0           27,391          4          6,847.8          4,182.5     2,655         16,371          6,410.6  fopen64            
      0.0            6,602          3          2,200.7          1,232.0     1,172          4,198          1,730.0  pthread_cond_signal
      0.0            3,647          1          3,647.0          3,647.0     3,647          3,647              0.0  sigaction          
      0.0            2,013          1          2,013.0          2,013.0     2,013          2,013              0.0  fread              
      0.0            1,923          1          1,923.0          1,923.0     1,923          1,923              0.0  fclose             
      0.0            1,472          1          1,472.0          1,472.0     1,472          1,472              0.0  fflush             

[5/8] Executing 'cudaapisum' stats report
[6/8] Executing 'gpukernsum' stats report
[7/8] Executing 'gpumemtimesum' stats report
[8/8] Executing 'gpumemsizesum' stats report
[arnoldg@rgpu02 nvtx]$ 

Code Block
nsys profile --gpu-metrics-device=all \
	--gpu-metrics-frequency=20000 <application>   # get metrics from the cuda libs/api

ncu --metrics "regex:.*" <application>   # get all gpu metrics from the hardware

Delta script and nsight-systems view of the resulting report

Code Block
#SBATCH --job-name="numba_profile"
#SBATCH --partition=gpuA100x4-interactive
#SBATCH --mem=16G
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2   # spread out to use 1 core per numa
#SBATCH --constraint="projects"
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1
#SBATCH --gpu-bind=closest   # select a cpu close to gpu on pci bus topology
#SBATCH --account=bbka-delta-gpu
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00

module load anaconda3_gpu

dcgmi profile --pause

srun nsys profile \
  --gpu-metrics-device=all \

srun ncu \
  --metrics "regex:.*" \
  --target-processes all \

dcgmi profile --resume

(Transferred the report1.nsys-rep back to local system using Globus Online , sftp ... )

Nsight-systems setup on local workstation to use with Delta

Login to: (make an account if you need to), and download the client for your MacOS, Windows, or Linux local system.

You can use Globus Online, rsync, sftp, or sshfs (linux) to transfer files (or view files as local filesystem mounts in the case of sshfs ) with the local nsight-systems client.

sshfs mount example for linux box to Delta

Code Block
titlesshfs example mounting delta projects
galen@galen-HP-ProBook-455-G6:~$ sshfs delta_projects/'s password: 
( Duo two-factor login for arnoldg

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-1120
 2. Duo Push to Ipad mini (iOS)
 3. Duo Push to red ipod (iOS)
 4. Duo Push to Android

Passcode or option (1-4): 115489
galen@galen-HP-ProBook-455-G6:~$ df -h delta_projects/
Filesystem                                                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on 1000T   60T  941T   6% /home/galen/delta_projects

Launch nsight-systems and define a target under the default opening view.  Even if you cannot get nsight-systems to ssh to the target, you need to define it so that nsight-systems will present you with the .nsys-rep file type when you try to open a profile from delta that was transferred to local via GO/sftp/rsync or viewable via the sshfs fuse mount like shown above:

Then open the profile report generated from an srun nsys ... at Delta. (navigate to Download or the live sshfs fuse mount )

Proceed to use nsight-systems.  A stats view of the GPU Summary is shown.  This is usually a good performance analysis starting point showing utilization of kernels vs times to transfer data between the host computer and the gpu accelerator.

User Guide :: Nsight Systems Documentation ( (nsys higher level and cuda api )

Nsight Compute CLI :: Nsight Compute Documentation ( ( ncu lower level and counters )

GitHub - quasiben/nvtx-examples  ( sample python test codes )