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Essential Open Source Software for Science

Letter of Intent Deadline: October 17, 2023

Full details: (link)

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), the Wellcome Trust (Wellcome), and The Kavli Foundation (Kavli) (“The Funders”) seek letters of intent to apply for funding for software projects that are essential to biomedical research. With this program, they aim to provide software projects with resources to...make the computational foundations of biological research more usable and robust. Applications for two broad categories of open source software projects will be considered in scope: domain-specific software & foundational tools and infrastruture.

Strengthening the Cyberinfrastructure Professionals Ecosystem (SCIPE)

Full Proposal Deadlines: January 18, 2024

Full Details: (link)

This solicitation seeks to nurture, grow and recognize the national CIP [1] workforce that is essential for creating, utilizing and supporting advanced CI to enable and potentially transform fundamental science and engineering (S&E) research and education and contribute to the Nation's overall economic competitiveness and security.

Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet)

Full Proposal Deadlines: December 11, 2023 & September 16, 2024

Full details: (link)

Program goals are to 1) leverage prior NSF support for building research capacity towards activities that launch international research network of networks (NoN) that will lead to an accelerated advancement of an area of science after the award period and 2) recruit and foster a diverse and internationally competent US-based workforce trained in conducting and leading multi-team international collaboration. Any area funded by the National Science Foundation is eligible, particularly those addressing grand research challenges identified within research communities and/or by NSF.

The AccelNet Program has two tracks. The Design Track allows PIs to build on prior NSF research awards by providing time and resources for building capacity across teams to launch a synergistic international NoN. The Implementation Track allows PIs to build on prior research or networking awards, such as AccelNet Design or Research Coordination Networks (RCN) by providing time and resources to implement an international NoN.

Structuring of award types and budgets

  • Design: $300K for 1-2 years
  • Implementation Phase 1, $1.5M for 3-4 years
  • Implementation Phase 2, $350K for 1-2 years

Department of Energy Next Round of Funding Solicitations
(per Lewis-Burke announcements)

This snapshot of potential upcoming solicitations from the Department of Energy (DOE) includes plans to leverage remaining FY 2023 funding as well as planning for FY
2024 as the current fiscal year ends and the new 2024 fiscal year begins on October 1. Timing, funding amounts, and new opportunities are subject to the final outcome of FY 2024 appropriations.


  • Quantum Information Science enabled discovery for High Energy Physics

Spring 2024—Contingent on final congressional appropriations

  • Energy Earthshot Research Centers 
  • Energy Earthshot Research Foundations
  • Accelerate Innovations in Emerging Technologies
  • Microelectronics Science Research Centers
  • Funding to Accelerate Inclusive Research (FAIR)

Full list: DOE Funding Opportunities Shapshot August 2023_1306532998.pdf

NSF-TIP Convergence Accelerator (Phases 1 & 2, Tracks K, L, M)
(Informational Webinars Available)

The NSF Convergence Accelerator program has issued a new funding opportunity for three new research track topics aligned to equitable water solutions , chemical sensing applications , and bio-inspired design innovations .

*Informational Webinar (Register for either date):

  • May 25, 2023 from 3 – 5 p.m. EDT
  • June 6, 2023 from 3 – 5 p.m. EDT

Introductory Information (link)
Full Details ( html )

Letter of Intent (required): July 11, 2023
Full Proposal Deadline: August 22, 2023

Anticipated funding: Proposers may request up to $750,000 for Phase 1, and up to $5,000,000 (total) for Phase 2.

Phase 1: Learning + Applying the Convergence Accelerator Fundamentals, Convergence Research Planning

Phase 1 funding is up to $750,000 for 12 months duration. It supports nine months of planning effort to further develop the initial concept, identify new team members and partners, participate in the program's innovation curriculum, and refine an initial prototype. Phase 1 efforts will focus on research plan development as well as team formation leading to a proof-of-concept and will include NSF-organized convenings for training and cross-cohort collaboration.

Phase 2: Continued Application of the Convergence Accelerator Fundamentals, Prototyping and Sustainability Planning

Selected teams from Phase 1 will proceed to Phase 2, with potential funding of up to $5 Million as a cooperative agreement for 24 months. Phase 2 teams will continue to apply Convergence Accelerator fundamentals, including identifying new team members and end-user partnerships to further develop solution prototypes and to build a sustainability model to continue impact beyond NSF support. Teams will also participate in an execution and sustainment curriculum that includes product development, intellectual property, financial resources, sustainability planning, and communications and outreach.

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Seeking US Industry and US Federal Agency Partners to Support Research Projects in Advanced Networking Systems

Deadline: 5:00 PM Eastern time on May 15, 2023

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is seeking US industry partners and US Federal Agencies to form public-private partnerships (one or more) with NSF to co-design and jointly support research programs in advanced networking systems . The programs built through these partnerships will seek innovations to enhance the various aspects of next generation communications, sensing, networking, and computing systems. The programs are expected to fund collaborative fundamental research that transcends the traditional boundaries of individual disciplines to achieve the program goals. These teams may consist of investigators from Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) - Two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited, and having a campus located in the US.

NSF invites industry, non-profits and government agencies’ interest in partnering with NSF to support basic research in the general areas described in this DCL.

Details available here:

*If you are planning a response to the above, or would like to contribute a collective response, please reach out to the Proposal Development Office ( 

The National Science Foundation-funded AI Institute for Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure with Computational Learning in the Environment (ICICLE) is now accepting applications for its 2023 Educational Fellows Program. Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-career educators and researchers from all domains and disciplines actively enrolled in, or formally affiliated with, a US-based institution, are eligible to apply. Those from traditionally underrepresented populations; those with a particular interest in the democratization of AI (the application and use of AI by a broader user base that includes those without specialized knowledge of AI); and those interested in the ethics of artificial intelligence are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information about or to apply to the ICICLE Educational Fellows Program, please visit:

Applications are due April 16, 2023

Posted on behalf of the IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute

GCOE faculty and staff,The IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute (IIDAI) is pleased to invite faculty and staff who have their academic home at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to submit pre-proposals in response to this project solicitation.  The deadline for the submission of pre-proposals is 12:00 PM (noon) Central Time, Friday, March 31, 2023. Pre-proposals must follow the template. Late submissions and submissions that do not follow the pre-proposal submission template may be returned without further review. Pre-proposals should be submitted electronically to Dr. Normand Paquin ( Projects selected under this solicitation for funding are expected to get underway in August 2023. Projects funded under IIDAI are subject to terms embodied in a Master Research Agreement (MRA). Key terms are summarized in a MRA terms summary. Both these documents can be requested from Dr. Paquin. All awarded project participants will be required to acknowledge that they have read and will comply with terms of the MRA.IIDAI is intended to address IBM research priorities and needs. IIDAI Thrust leaders have defined research themes of high interest for which pre-proposals are welcomed. These are described at a high level in the attached document entitled, “IBM – Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute - Focus Areas for 2023 RFP”. The research priorities and needs are organized around four major research thrusts. These are:

  1. Hybrid Cloud
  2. Quantum Information Systems
  3. Materials Discovery
  4. Climate and Sustainability

Proposals can be submitted by single PIs or multiple PIs. Prior to the pre-proposal deadline, faculty are encouraged to discuss their project ideas and technical matters with thrust leaders and with Dr. Normand Paquin ( for questions on process, the MRA and other topics.  The maximum a faculty member will be allowed to request as summer salary will be one month, independent of the number of successful proposals they develop.

Projects can be submitted for one or two years. In the case of two-year projects, release of funds for the second year will be subject to a favorable review of progress and continued alignment with IBM priorities. Approval to move forward with second year funding is expected to be given in the last quarter of the first year.The IIDAI Steering Committee will be evaluating pre-proposals against the following criteria:

  1. Relevance and potential impact to IBM and IIDAI research priorities
  2. Potential for advancing the state-of-the-art given the identification of the challenge being addressed, the proposed approach, and expected project outcomes
  3. Consistency between proposed tasks, timeline, and milestones
  4. Relevant experience, and expertise of the team proposed to undertake the project
  5. Reasonability of the scope of work and budget

Next steps:
Thrust leaders, consisting of IBM research leaders and Illinois faculty will review preproposals, organizing panels, as appropriate, to review full proposal submissions. IIDAI expects to inform PIs whose projects have been selected to submit a full proposal the week of April 11, 2023.PIs who have been informed that their project has been selected for full proposal submission will be provided with detailed instructions on how to complete a Research Project Agreement (RPA). The RPA will include a start date, statement of work and detailed and justified formal budget. Furthermore, if the review of the pre-proposal identified an area requiring additional approvals (based on anticipated plans for IP or data management, for example), IIDAI thrust leaders will provide PIs with guidance on how to address these concerns prior to the submission of a full proposal. The planned window for proposal development and review is anticipated to be narrow to allow Research Assistantships appointments to be made in time for the fall 2023 semester. Full proposals will be reviewed, and a subset are expected to be approved for moving forward.About IIDAI:
The IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute is a new model of academic-industry partnership designed to increase access to technology education and skill development, spur breakthroughs in emerging areas of technology, and accelerate the discovery of solutions to complex global challenges. The current research program of the IIDA-Institute is built on a close collaboration between the University of Illinois and IBM researchers working in the areas of hybrid cloud and AI, quantum computing, accelerated materials discovery, and sustainability.Thanks Much,Cindy Pruitt
Assistant to the Dean
The Grainger College of Engineering
1308 W Green St | MC 266
Urbana IL 61801

Funding Opportunity Announcement:

Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SCIDAC) - FES Partnerships

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: DE-FOA-0002924 Total Estimated Funding: $120 Million Deadline for Pre Applications (required):

April 7, 2023 at 5:00pm ET Deadline for Applications:

May 19, 2023 at 11:59pm ET

The DOE SC programs in Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) and Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) hereby announce their interest in receiving multi-institutional applications for the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Partnerships program. This FOA invites new applications for the SciDAC-5 Partnerships that enable or accelerate scientific discovery and programmatic objectives, aligned with the FES mission and the Department’s vision for fusion energy, through effective collaborations between fusion / plasma scientists and applied mathematicians and/or computer scientists from the SciDAC Institutes that fully exploit the capabilities of DOE High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities. All types of domestic applicants are eligible to apply. Please see the funding opportunity for agency contacts and more details.   View Funding Opportunity Webinar
A webinar will be held to provide information to the community on the SciDAC FOA.
March 22, 2023
1 pm EST
Register for Webinar