- The Fourth Workshop on Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure, hosted by Trusted CI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center for Excellence. The workshop provides an opportunity for sharing experiences, recommendations, and solutions for addressing cybersecurity challenges in research computing. NCSA is a member of Trusted CI.
- The workshop will be held Monday, July 27 from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Central Time (PEARC event page)
- Jim Basney, Jeannette Dopheide, Kay Avila will be presenting the results of the Trustworthy Data Working Group survey on scientific data security concerns and practices.
Phuong Cao, Satvik Kulkarni, Alex Withers, and Chris Clausen will be presenting an analysis of attacks targeting remote workers and scientific computing infrastructure during the COVID19 pandemic at NCSA/UIUC.
- The workshop will be recorded and slides will be published on the workshop web site.
- The workshop will be held Monday, July 27 from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Central Time (PEARC event page)
- The tutorial, The Streetwise Guide to Jupyter Security, will be co-presented by Kay Avila
- The tutorial will be held on Monday, July 27 from 3:00pm - 7:00pm Central time (PEARC event page)
The paper, Custos: Security Middleware for Science Gateways, written by Jim Basney, Terry Fleury, Jeff Gaynor, and their colleagues on the Custos project
- The paper will be presented on Wednesday, July 29 from 3:35pm - 5:35pm, Central time (PEARC event page)
Poster session:
- The poster session will be held Tuesday, July 28 from 10:00am to 7:00pm, Central time (PEARC event page)
NCSA student You (Alex) Gao will be presenting the poster, SciTokens SSH: Token-based Authentication for Remote Login to Scientific Computing Environments
- Poster (Brella login required)
Jim Basney will be co-presenting a poster with his XSEDE colleagues, Use Case Methodology in XSEDE System Integration
- Poster (Brella login required)