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Each of our compute nodes has 4 NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs. We scale ResNet-50 from 2 GPUs on the same computer node to 64 GPUs across 16 compute node, doubling the number of GPUs for each intermediate runs. We use a per-GPU batch size of 208 images, which is the largest batch size we can fit with distributed mixedprecision training. Therefore, our global batch size ranges from 416 images to 13312 images. We use Automatic Mixed Precision (Amp) and Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) from NVIDIA Apex for mixed-precision and distributed training. An optimization level of "O2" is used for mixed-precision training to benefit from FP16 training while keeping a few parameters to be FP32. We use NVIDIA Collective Communication Library (NCCL) 34 as our distributed backend.
