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  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira
    • Unknown User (mfelarca) will demo existing web app at the developer meeting on Friday 6/26
    • 6/26 discussion
      • old app up and running on mario's dev system 
      • not connecting to yt-webapp
      • working with kacper on connectivity to yt-webapp problem
    • 7/6: No report
  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Discussed initial draft diagrams
    • Lengyue Chen will break into 3 different diagrams
    • 6/26 general discussion -- new revisions on their way
    • 7/6: Looks good.
  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira
    • Unknown User (mfelarca) will review tools/libraries for the web services app at the developer meeting on Wednesday
      • functionality needed includes REST API/impl generation support and authn/z
    • 6/25 discussion
      • tentative direction is the MEAN stack – mongodb, express, angular.js, node.js
      • also loopback
        • from github: LoopBack is an open source Node.js framework built on top of Express optimized for building APIs for mobile, web, and other devices.
      • no problem calling the python OpenStack APIs
      • focus is getting alpha1 up and running quickly
    • 6/26 more general discussion
      • how we will be calling the python nova apis from our web services implementation?
    •  7/6: Lengyue Chen reviewed the StrongLoop tool for the team
      • Command line and GUI for defining REST API and for generating implementation code, including database DDL
      • How does ongoing maintenance work?  Does tool support "migrations" in a way similar to Django?
      • Lengyue Chen currently working to get the JS-to-python calls working
  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Lengyue Chen will draft initial REST API to be implemented
    • Draft of REST API for the Management of NDS Labs Environments
    • 6/25 discussion
      • good initial draft
      • will deemphasize authn/z in alpha1
        • pass parms only if it is "free" in terms of time and complexity
        • attach username and project id to environments only if it is "free" as above
        • alpha2 or later will use these fields
      • will discuss more at next dev meeting
    • 6/26 more general discussion
    • 7/6: not discussed
  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Unknown User (mfelarca) will demo existing web app at the developer meeting on Friday 6/26
    • 6/26 discussion
      • old app up and running on mario's dev system 
      • not connecting to yt-webapp
      • working with kacper on connectivity to yt-webapp problem
    • 7/6: created

  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Unknown User (mfelarca) will rename/redefine bitbucket hg repository yt-webapp to nds-web-services
    • the name of the nds-explorer repository does not change (this is the web user interface)
    • will be done by Monday 6/29
    • Goals for next week (week of 6/29-7/2) are
      • web service repo created and both (nds explorer and nds web services) repos made ready for active shared use
        • includes the "scaffolding" for our MEAN stack
    • 7/6: Not done

  • General NDS Explorer / NDS Web Services Design/Implementation Topics
    • NDS Explorer Design and Implementation
    • 6/22 No decision yet on how to store Environment or Service definition information
    • 6/26 discussion
      • use mongodb for store environment information
      • use flat file (not mongo) for service definitions – format of flat file to be proposed by Unknown User (mfelarca)
        • note previous input: ... having service definitions that can be expressed as JSON would be ideal, since that's readily and easily parseable (and constructable) in a fully client-side app.
    • 7/6:



      • Patrick Mulrooney brought up alternative approaches for interfacing with OpenStack management functionality (what we're calling the management node), and SDSC plans.  Patrick will follow up on the mailing list with links for future reading. 
      • libvirt docker (link?) was also discussed as a potential mechanism to run docker containers without needing CoreOS (thus simplifying the runtime environment).



  • Goals for next week (week of 6/29-7/2) are
    web service repo created and both (nds explorer and nds web services) repos made ready for active shared use
  • includes the "scaffolding" for our MEAN stack
  • 7/6:
    • first two pieces of functionality working end-to-end – from brower to explorer to web service to backend systems (openstack)
      • list environments
      • create environment
      • Jira
        serverNCSA Jira
      • 7/6:
      along the way, details will be worked out, such as
      • how we will be calling the python nova apis from our web services implementationNot done
    • initial version of html pages
      • Jira
        serverNCSA Jira
      • 7/6: Not done
  • Unknown User (mfelarca) will publish notes on either Wed 7/1 or Thu 7/2
    • 7/6: No report