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 The agenda below is


close to the final one

This event is supported by INRIA, UIUC, NCSA, ANL and French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ed. SiedelNCSA update and vision of the collaborationVenkat VishwanathANLPlenary talkLeonardoKate Kahey

Main Topics




Type of presentation

Title (tentative)









Sunday Nov. 24th
Dinner Before the Workshop

7:00 PM

(Departure from Hampton Inn at 6:45PM) with mini buses

Only people registered for the dinner





Address: 402 N Race St, Urbana, IL 61801
Phone:(217) 328-3402









Workshop Day 1

Monday Nov. 25th











TITLES ARE TEMPORARY (except if in bold font)









Welcome and Introduction

Auditorium 1122

Chair: Franck Cappello


Marc Snir + Franck Cappello

Co-directors of the joint-lab



Welcome, Workshop objectives and organization




Ed. Seidel

Incoming NCSA directorPeter Schiffer



NCSA update and vision of the collaboration

(This address has been inverted with the next one due to schedule constraints)Welcome from UIUC Vice Chancellor for Research


Peter Schiffer

UIUC Vice Chancellor for Research

UIUCBackgroundWelcome from UIUC Vice Chancellor for Research 



Michel Cosnard

Inria CEO and President



INRIA updates and vision of the collaboration



Marc Snir

Director of Argonne/ MCS and co-director of the joint-lab



Argonne updates and vision of the collaboration

 jlpc 11-13 snir.pdf

Marc Daumas

Attaché for Science and Technology

Embassy of FranceBackgroundFrance-USA collaboration program updates



Franck Cappello

Co-director of the Joint-lab


Franck Cappello



Joint-Lab, PUF, New Joint-Lab, PUF articulationorganization










Extreme Scale Systems and infrastructures

Auditorium 1122

Chair: Marc SnirPavan Balaji


Pete Beckman



Extreme Scale Computing & Co-design Challenges




John Towns



Applications Challenges in the XSEDE Environment

  11:45Gabriel AntoniuINRIAInria  Plenary talk A-Brain and Z-CloudFlow: Scalable Data Processing on Azure Clouds - Lessons Learned in Three Years and Future Directions2013-11-25-JLPC-Azure-final.pdf








Chair: Yves Robert


Bill Kramer


Blue Waters

Is Petascale Completely Done?  What Should We Do Now?

Kramer JLPC November Workshop - v1.pdf


Marc SnirTorsten Hoefler



G8 ECS and international collaboration toward extreme scale climate simulation


IEEE/ACM SC13 Best Paper

Enabling Highly-Scalable Remote Memory Access Programming with MPI-3 One Sided




Rob Ross



Thinking Past POSIX: Persistent Storage in Extreme Scale Systems

 15:15François PellegriniBreakINRIA  Plenary talk   
Chair: Bill Gropp15:45François PellegriniInriaBreak   Parallel repartitioning and remeshing : results and prospects




 16:15Pavan BalagiBalajiANL   Message Passing in Massively Multithreaded Environments2013-11-25-jlpc-threads-pavanbalaji.pptx
 16 16:45Wen Mei HwuUIUC 

Plenary talk

 A New, Portable Algorithm Framework for Parallel Linear Recurrence Problems




Bus for Diner




(Departure from Hampton Inn at 6:45PM) with mini buses)




Address: 715 S Neil St, Champaign, IL 61820
Phone:(217) 351-9898









Workshop Day 2

Tuesday Nov. 26






Applications, I/O, Visualization, Big data

Auditorium 1122

Chair: Rob Ross


Greg BauerUIUC  Applications and their challenges on Blue Waters




Matthieu Dorier


Joint-result, submitted

CALCioM: Mitigating I/O Interferences in HPC Systems through Cross-Application Coordination



Dries KempeKimpe



Mercury: Enabling Remote Procedure Call for High-Performance Computing





 Chair: Gabriel Antoniu


Venkat Vishwanath




Addressing I/O Bottlenecks and Simulation-Time Analytics at Extreme Scales




Babak Behzad



Taming Parallel I/O Complexity with Auto-Tuning




McHenry, Kenton Guadron



NSF CIF21 DIBBs: Brown Dog















Mini Workshop1


Room 1030

Chair: Yves Robert Frederic Vivien








Wesley Bland



 Fault Tolerant Runtime Research at ANLbland-jlpc.pdf



Tatiana Martsinkevich



On the feasibility of message logging in hybrid hierarchical FT protocols

 martsinkevich jlpc workshop in ncsa.pdf



Mohamed Slim Bouguera


Joint-result, submitted

 Failure prediction: what to do with unpredicted failures ?




Ana Gainaru


Joint-result, submitted

Topology and behaviour aware failure prediction for Blue Waters.









Chair: Franck


Sheng Di


Joint-result, submitted


Optimization of Multi-level Checkpoint Model for Large Scale HPC Applications






Yves Robert




Assessing the impact of ABFT & Checkpoint composite strategies



17h00Weslay Bland

Leonardo Bautista Gomez



Fault Tolerant Runtime Research at ANL


ACM PPoPP 2014

Detecting Silent Data Corruption through Data Dynamic Monitoring for Scientific Applications











Bus for Diner 

(Departure from Hampton Inn at 7PM) with mini buses)





Address: 1 Main St #104, Champaign, IL 61820

Phone:(217) 531-1166



Mini Workshop2

Numerical Agorithms

Room 1040

Chair: Bill GroppStefan Wild









Luke Olson



 Toward a more robust sparse solver with some ideas on resilience and scalability 2013_JointLab_NCSA_Olson.pdf 
 14:00 Prasanna BalaprakashANL  Active-Learning-based Surrogate Models for Empirical Performance Tuning Balaprakash.pdf



Yushan Wang



Solving 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on hybrid CPU/GPU systems.




Jed Brown



 Fast solvers for implicit Runge-Kutta systems









Chair: Luke Olson


Pierre Jolivet


Best Paper nomieefinalist, IEEE, ACM SC13

Scalable Domain Decomposition Preconditioners For Heterogeneous Elliptic Problems

 16:30Vincent BaudouiTotal&ANL Joint-resultRound-off error propagation and non-determinism in parallel applications baudoui-roundoff_errors.pdf
 17:00TBDTorsten Hoefler ETH TBDUsing Automated Performance Modeling to Find Scalability Bugs in Complex Codeshtor.pdf 










(Departure from Hampton Inn at 7PM) with mini buses)




Bus for diner




Address: 1 Main St #104, Champaign, IL 61820
Phone:(217) 531-1166









Workshop Day 3

Wednesday Nov. 27













Mini Workshop3







 Programming models, compilation and runtime.

Room 1030

Chair: Marc Snir


Grigori Fursin





Collective Mind: making auto-tuning practical using crowdsourcing and predictive modeling




Maria Garzaran



Optimization by Run-time Specialization for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication



Jean-François Mehaut



From Multicores to Manycores Processors: Challenging Programming Issues with the MPPA/KALRAY




Frederic Vivien



Scheduling tree-shaped task graphs to minimize memory and makespan 




Rafael Tesser


Joint result PDP 2013


Using AMPI to improve the performance of the Ondes3D seismic wave simulator through dynamic load balancing




Emmanuel Jeannot


Joint-result, IEEE Cluster2013

Communication and Topology-aware Load Balancing in Charm++ with TreeMatch


Auditorium 1122



















Bus for diner




(Departure from Hampton Inn at 5:45 PM) with mini buses)




Address: 1701 S Neil St, Champaign, IL 61820
Phone:(217) 351-9115


Mini Workshop4

Large scale systems and their simulators

Room 1040

Chair: Bill Kramer








Eric Bohm
Sanjay Kale




A Multi-resolution Emulation + Simulation Methodology for Exascale




Arnault Legrand



SMPI: Toward Better Simulation of MPI Applications


 09:30Frederic VivienInria  Scheduling tree-shaped task graphs to minimize memory and makespan  









 Kate Keahey

ANLGille Fedak




Evaluating Streaming Strategies for Event Processing across Infrastructure Clouds 




Jeremy HenosEnos



 Application Runtime Consistency and Performance Challenges on a shared 3D torus.


Auditorium 1122 






 Auditorium 1122














Diner(Departure from Hampton Inn at 5:45 PM) with mini buses) Bus for diner   


Address: 1701 S Neil St, Champaign, IL 61820
Phone:(217) 351-9115


Kenton McHenry

NSF CIF21 DIBBs: Brown Dog

The objective of this project is to construct a service that will allow for past and present un-curated data to be utilized by science while simultaneously demonstrating the novel science that can be conducted from such data. The proposed effort will focus on the large distributed and heterogeneous bodies of past and present un-curated data, what is often referred to in the scientific community as long-tail data, data that would have great value to science if its contents were readily accessible. The proposed framework will be made up of two re-purposable cyberinfrastructure building blocks referred to as a Data Access Proxy (DAP) and Data Tilling Service (DTS). These building blocks will be developed and tested in the context of three use cases that will advance science in geoscience, biology, engineering, and social science. The DAP will aim to enable a new era of applications that are agnostic to file formats through the use of a tool called a Software Server which itself will serve as a workflow tool to access functionality within 3rd party applications. By chaining together open/save operations within arbitrary software the DAP will provide a consistent means of gaining access to content stored across the large numbers of file formats that plague long tail data. The DTS will utilize the DAP to access data contents and will serve to index unstructured data sources (i.e. instrument data or data without text metadata). Building off of the Versus content based comparison framework and the Medici extraction services for auto-curation the DTS will assign content specific identifiers to untagged data allowing one to search collections of such data. The intellectual merit of this work lies in the proposed solution which does not attempt to construct a single piece of software that magically understands all data, but instead aims at utilizing every possible source of automatable help already in existence in a robust and provenance preserving manner to create a service that can deal with as much of this data as possible. This proverbial “super mutt” of software, or Brown Dog, will serve as a low level data infrastructure to interface with digital data contents and through its capabilities enable a new era of science and applications at large. The broader impact of this work is in its potential to serve not just the scientific community but the general public, as a DNS for data, moving civilization towards an era where a user’s access to data is not limited by a file’s format or un-curated collections.


SMPI: Toward Better Simulation of MPI Applications
We will present our last result on the SMPI/SimGrid framework. SMPI now implements all the collective algorithms and selection logics of both OpenMPI and MPICH and even a few other collective algorithms from Star MPI. Together with a flexible network model and topology description mechanisme, this allowed us to obtain almost perfect prediction of NASPB and BigDFT on Ethernet/TCP based clusters. We are currently working on extending this work to other kind of networks as well as on mixing the emulation capability of SMPI with the trace replay mechanism. We are also working on improving the replay mechanism so that it handles seamlessly classical trace formats.
Welsley Wesley Bland
Fault Tolerant Runtime Research at ANL
Fault tolerance has been presented as an emerging problem for decades, with researchers often claiming that the next generation of hardware will introduce new levels of failure rates that will destroy productivity and cause applications to become unusable. While it is true that as machines have scaled, resilience has become more and more of a concern, there are issues already affecting applications at current scales. Process failure remains a concern, though primarily for applications that can run at the largest scales or on very unstable hardware. For smaller applications however, there are other concerns, such as soft errors, performance loss, etc. This talk will cover some of the research being performed in the Programming Models and Runtime Systems group at Argonne National Laboratory to study these phenomena.


 Round-off errors coming from numerical calculation finite precision can lead to catastrophic losses in significant numbers when they accumulate. Their propagation throughout a computation needs to be studied in order to ensure results accuracy. We present a round-off error estimation method based on first order derivatives that can help following error propagation in an execution graph and identifying the sensitive sections of a code. It has been experimented on well known LU decomposition algorithms. In a second part, we focus on the effects of non-determinism in parallel applications where messages exchanged between processes are received in random order, possibly leading to different round-off error accumulations and subsequently to different results at each execution. We study the impact of this non-reproducibility on the convergence of stencil computations after a failure and recovery event.

Jeremy Enos

Application Runtime Consistency and Performance Challenges on a shared 3D torus.

Early testing on Blue Waters revealed varied performance for some applications making required walltimes unpredictable.  Many potential causes were investigated, ultimately indicating that poor placement on to compute resources within the 3D torus network was a chief aggravating factor.  Multiple thrusts of effort were launched to improve both application performance and consistency;  a long term topology-aware placement development plan, improved high speed network monitoring, and immediate "stop gap" measures available within already existing tools and methods.

Ana Gainaru

Topology and behaviour aware failure prediction for Blue Waters.
Failure prediction has made substantial progress in the last 5 years and current studies have shown that failure avoidance techniques could give high benefits when combined with classical fault tolerance protocols. Understanding the properties of a prediction module and exploiting them for enhancing fault tolerance approaches and scheduling decisions is crucial for providing scalable solutions to deal with failures on future HPC systems. 
Recently, we have presented a novel methodology for truly online failure prediction for the Blue Water system. In this talk we described the main bottlenecks and limitations faced in applying failure prediction on a petascale system and proposed a couple of solutions by using topology-level information.
Moreover, we will show that on a real system, system failures are not very frequently translated into application failures. We will present how this is influencing application level failure prediction and future system performance degradation analysis.

Sheng Di
Optimization of Multi-level Checkpoint Model for Large Scale HPC Applications
HPC community projects that future extreme scale systems will be much less stable than current Petascale systems, thus requiring sophisticated fault tolerance to guarantee the completion of large scale numerical computations. Execution failures may occur due to multiple factors with different scales, from transient uncorrectable memory errors localized in processes to massive system outages. Multi-level checkpoint/restart is a promising model that provides an elastic response to tolerate different types of failures. It stores checkpoints at different levels: e.g., local memory, remote memory, using a software RAID, local SSD, remote file system. This talk will respond to two open questions: 1) how to optimize the selection of checkpoint levels based on failure distributions observed in a system, 2) how to compute the optimal checkpoint intervals for each of these levels. (1) A mathematical model is formulated to fit the multi-level checkpoint/restart mechanism with large scale applications regarding various types of failures. (2) The entire execution performance of each parallel application is theoretically optimized by selecting the best checkpoint level combination and corresponding checkpoint intervals at different levels. (3) The proposed optimal solutions is evaluated using both simulation and real environment with real-world MPI programs running on hundreds of cores. Experiments show that optimized selections of levels associated with optimal checkpoint intervals at each level outperforms other state-of-the-art solutions by 5-50 percent.
Rafael Keller Tesser
Using AMPI to improve the performance of the Ondes3D seismic wave simulator through dynamic load balancing
Ondes3D is a seismic wave propagation model, which is used to analyze the consequences of future earthquakes. This model presents some challenges in terms of load-balancing, especially due to boundary conditions. These conditions are executed on the borders of the simulated domain, to absorb the outgoing energy. So, the amount of computation in the borders of the domain is greater than in its center. Thus, when we divide the domain, to parallelize the execution, we end up with load unbalanced subdomains. In this work, we investigated the use of dynamic-load balancing to deal with this problem. For this purpose, we ported Ondes3D to Adaptive MPI (AMPI). This way, we can take advantage of the load-balancing framework provided by its runtime. We evaluated the performance of our AMPI version of Ondes3D, using different load-balancers. In our best case, the application ran 23.85% faster than the original MPI implementation. Moreover, the load balancers were able to adapt to the variation in load balancing caused by the propagation of the wave through the simulated region.
Eric Bohm
 A Multi-resolution Emulation + Simulation Methodology for Exascale
As we design exascale applications and machines, it becomes important to be able to analyze and experiment with alternate designs of both machines and applications. These experiments have to be done before the machines are built since it will be too expensive to build a large number of alternate designs.  One of the challenges in this process is how to represent application behavior in such machines. For analyzing network performance via simulations of dynamic applications,the feedback that occurs naturally in applications must be simulated: if an incoming message is late, the ordering of events may change, and outgoing message injection will also change. To achieve a high fidelity simulation is therefore challenging.
We will discuss one promising method to address this problem, emulation-followed-by-simulation, in which one carries out a full-scale emulation of the application with the correct number of nodes and control threads, facilitated by some overdecomposition based system such as Charm++. The emulation captures dependencies between sequential computations and remote data in traces.  Trace data can be further constrained, using a variety of techniques, to capture steady state behavior and phases of interest.
The traces generated by emulation can then be fed to a multi-component simulator, where a variable resolution simulation can be carried out to predict performance and other attributes.  We advocate this methodology and elaborate on research challenges involved in following it in exascale design.  At exascale, we expect that several components, which are pluggable entities similar to those used in existing frameworks, such as BigSim and SST, will simulate network, resilience support, power management, thermal constraints, operating system overhead and file system performance.  In addition, the adaptive runtime system, essential for scalable execution at exascale, needs to be (and can be) simulated in detail, with realistic code and strategies, in order to attain high fidelity.  The runtime system
itself can use modeling and/or simulation to predict computation and communication patterns to facilitate adaptive runtime control strategies.

Gabriel Antoniu
A-Brain and Z-CloudFlow: Scalable Data Processing on Azure Clouds - Lessons Learned in Three Years and Future Directions
 Joint acquisition of neuroimaging and genetic data on large cohorts of subjects is a new approach used to assess and understand the variability that exists between individuals, and that has remained poorly understood so far. As both neuroimaging- and genetic-domain observations represent a huge amount of variables (in the order of millions), performing statistically rigorous analyses on such amounts of data is a major computational challenge that cannot be addressed with conventional computational techniques only. The A-Brain project was started in October 2010 within the Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Research Center with the goal of addressing the above computational and data processing challenges using MapReduce-related cloud techniques on Microsoft's Azure cloud infrastructure. This talk draws the conclusions of three years of investigation of the benefits of using the cloud for large-scale application experiments such as the genetics-neuroimaging data comparisons. It also gives the main lines of the future work just started within Z-CloudFlow, a follow-up project just started, dedicated to scalable data processing for cloud workflows running across multiple data centers.

Leonardo Bautista Gomez
Detecting Silent Data Corruption through Data Dynamic Monitoring for Scientific Applications
We propose a novel technique to detect silent data corruption based on low-overhead, localized data monitoring. We implemented our technique on a generic library that allows scientific applications to easily self-analyze during runtime. Using this technique, an application an learn the normal dynamics of its datasets, allowing it to quickly spot anomalies. We evaluate our technique with synthetic enchmarks and large scientific datasets of production-level scientific applications simulating real phenomena. We show that our technique can detect up to 50% of injected errors while incurring only negligible overhead on real scientific applications.

Pavan Balaji
Message Passing in Massively Multithreaded Environments
Many-core architectures, such as the IBM Blue Gene/Q and Intel Xeon Phi, provide dozens of cores and hundreds of hardware threads.  To utilize such architectures, application programmers are increasingly looking at hybrid programming models (frequently referred to as ``MPI+X’' models), where multiple threads interact with the MPI library.  A common mode of operation for hybrid MPI+threads applications is where multiple threads are used to parallelize the computation, and one or more threads also issues MPI operations.  While such a model is becoming increasingly popular because of the reducing per-core hardware resources available in modern architectures, it poses several challenges for the efficiency of MPI communication in such environments.  In this talk, I’ll describe some of our recent work on optimizing MPI in such environments, either with multiple threads calling MPI operations or a single thread doing so.

Kate Keahey
Evaluating Streaming Strategies for Event Processing across Infrastructure Clouds
Infrastructure clouds revolutionized the way in which we approach resource procurement by providing an easy way to lease compute and storage resources on short notice, for a short amount of time, and on a pay-as-you go basis. This new opportunity however introduces new performance trade-offs. Making the right choices in leveraging different types of storage available in the cloud is particularly important for applications that depend on managing large amounts of data within and across clouds. An increasing number of such applications conform to a pattern where data processing relies on streaming the data to a compute platform where a set of similar operations is repeatedly applied to independent chunks of data. This pattern is evident in virtual observatories such as the Ocean Observatory Initiative, in cases when new data is evaluated against existing features in geospatial computations, or when experimental data is processed as a series of time events. In this presentation, we propose different strategies for efficiently implementing such streaming in the cloud and evaluate them in the context of an Atlas application processing experimental data. Our results show that choosing the right cloud configuration can improve overall application performance by as much as four times.

Grigori Fursin
Collective Mind: making auto-tuning practical using crowdsourcing and predictive modeling

Software and hardware optimization and co-design of computer systems becomes intolerably complex, ad-hoc, time consuming and error prone due to enormous number of available design and optimization choices, complex interactions between all software and hardware components, and ever changing tools and applications. We present our novel long-term holistic and practical solution to address these problems using new plugin-based Collective Mind infrastructure and repository. For the first time, it can preserve the whole experimental setup and all associated artifacts to distribute program analysis and multi-objective optimization among many participants while utilizing any available smart phone, tablet, laptop, cluster or data center, and continuously observing, classifying and modeling realistic their behavior. Any unexpected behavior is analyzed using shared data mining and predictive modeling plugins or exposed to the community at a public portal and repository for collaborative explanation. Gradually increasing public optimization knowledge helps to continuously improve optimization heuristics of any compiler, predict optimizations for new programs or suggest efficient run-time adaptation strategies depending on end-user requirements. We successfully validated this approach and framework in several academic and industrial projects while releasing hundreds of codelets, numerical applications, data sets, models, universal experimental pipelines, and unified tools to start community-driven, systematic and reproducible R&D to build adaptive, self-tuning computer systems, and initiate new publication model where experiments and techniques are continuously validated and improved by the community.

Wen-Mei Hwu

A New, Portable Algorithm Framework for Parallel Linear Recurrence Problems

Linear recurrence solvers are common constructs in a class of important scientific applications. Many parallel algorithms have been proposed to achieve high performance for different problems that are linear recurrence in nature. Through a detailed investigation of the existing parallel implementations, we identify a general, hierarchical parallel linear recurrence algorithm that has the potential to fully utilize a wide variety of hardware. However, this algorithm is complex and requires enormous programming efforts to achieve high performance across different architectures. To achieve single source performance portability, we create a code-generator using auto-tuning for optimizing high-performance, parallel, linear recurrence solvers that are retargetable to specific platforms. The framework is composed of two major components. The first component is an auto-tuned tiling procedure which generates tiling by searching a unified tiling space (UTS). The UTS combines on-chip memory resources to simplify the complexity of tiling decisions. Based on the tiling decision, the second component selects the best communication implementation to minimize the communication overhead. By heuristically reducing the search space, our auto-tuning technique generates optimized programs in a reasonable time. We evaluate our framework using several benchmarks including prefix sum, IIR filter, bidiagonal solver and tridiagonal solver on GPU architectures. The resulting linear recurrence solvers significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art, specialized GPU implementations.


François Pellegrini
Parallel repartitioning and remeshing : results and prospects
The purpose of this talk is to expose the current state and the prospects of research and of implementation regarding two software tools that we develop for HPC : PT-Scotch and PaMPA. PT-Scotch is a parallel partitionning and mapping tool that has been recently extended to provide dynamic remapping features. While  its algorithms have been developed with scalability in mind, several algorithmic bottelnecks appear, which impose to re-think the way we perform repartitioning. PaMPA is a library for parallel (re)meshing of distributed, unstructured meshes, that delegates (re)partitioning to PT-SCOTCH. After basic mesh handling features were developed, we focused on parallel remeshing itself, allowing us to produce distributed, tetraedral meshes comprising several hundred million elements.

Venkatram Vishwanath

Addressing I/O Bottlenecks and Simulation-Time Analytics at Extreme Scales
We will first present our work in GLEAN - a flexible and extensible framework that takes application, analysis, and system characteristics into account to facilitate simulation-time data analysis and I/O acceleration. The GLEAN infrastructure hides significant details from the end user, while at the same time providing a flexible intterface to the fastest path for their data and analysis needs and, in the end, scientific insight. We describe the efficacy of our approaches in scaling to 768K cores of the Mira BG/Q system, and on the Cray supercomputer.  If time permits, we will present our work on Concerted Flows - A parallel data movement infrastructure that takes into account analytical and empirical models of an end-to-end system infrastructure together with mathematical optimization to improve the achievable performance for parallel data flows at various system scales.

Luke Olson

Toward a more robust sparse solver with some ideas on resilience and scalability

 In this talk we look at some recent attempts to improve robustness in algebraic multigrid solvers for a wider range of problems. In particular we look at optimality throughout the solver by refining interpolation and the sense of strength in the method.  With this we comment on some current directions for improving scalability by thinning the hierarchy and some possibilities for strengthening resilience.

Torsten Hoefler

Using Automated Performance Modeling to Find Scalability Bugs in Complex Codes
Many parallel applications suffer from latent performance limitations that may prevent them from scaling to larger machine sizes. Often, such scalability bugs manifest themselves only when an attempt to scale the code is actually being made—a point where remediation can be difficult. However, creating analytical performance models that would allow such issues to be pinpointed earlier is so laborious that application developers attempt it at most for a few selected kernels, running the risk of missing harmful bottlenecks. In this paper, we show how both coverage and speed of this scalability analysis can be substantially improved. Generating an empirical performance model automatically for each part of a parallel program, we can easily identify those parts that will reduce performance at larger core counts. Using a climate simulation as an example, we demonstrate that scalability bugs are not confined to those routines usually chosen as kernels.