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The DTI team tries to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, however some information may be out of date.

The Public API primarily exposes the 'fetch' API and 'evalMetrics' API of the full C3 AI Suite. Generally speaking, for Types in the C3 AI COVID-19 Data Lake, the Public API allows you to 'fetch' instances of the exposed types. Some of these types also have a few supported Metrics. For those types, you can also call the 'evalmetrics' API.

The definitive Public API documentation is located here.


  • Exposed APIs
    • fetch - The fetch API can be called on Types in the Data Lake to return instances of these types (Available for all exposed C3 Types).
    • evalMetrics - The evalmetrics API can be called on some expressions which are defined on some outbreakLocations. These are detailed as part of the COVID-19 Public Data Lake documentation. Available only for outbreakLocation .
    • Other available APIs - Please see the official documentation for more information about these:
      • getprojectionhistory
      • getarticlemetadata
      • getimageurls
      • allversionsforpolicy
  • Unavailable APIs
    • Any methods defined on the available types in the Data Lake that aren't explicitly mentioned in the COVID-19 Public Data Lake documentation are not available through the public API.
    • Example: The listMetrics()  function is defined on Types inheriting MetricEvaluatable . This gives a list of available Metrics you can use for a given type. This function cannot be called through the Public API.


  • Exposed Types
    • OutbreakLocation
    • Hospital
    • PatientRoute
    • LineListRecord
    • LocationPolicySummary
    • ClinicalTrial
    • TherapeuticAsset
    • ExternalLink
    • VaccineCoverage
    • PolicyDetail
    • LocationExposure
    • BiblioEntry
    • PopulationData
    • BiologicalAsset
    • Sequence
    • Subsequence
    • AminoAcidLookup
    • NucleotideLookup
  • Unavailable Types
    • Fips
    • Header types associated with timeseries data like JHU_ConfirmedCases  or NYT_ConfirmedCases .
    • Others the DTI is not currently aware of.


  • Unavailable Properties
    • In some cases, Type properties are not available through the Public API. For example, when evaluating timeseries information, the 'earliest' and 'latest' properties associated with that timeseries's header information is not accessible
  • Time series case data can only be accessed through the metrics API. Time series header information such as
    the 'earliest' and 'latest' fields are not available.
  • Only objects listed on the C3 Public API page are available through fetch or the metrics API. For example, you cannot fetch fips objects, however
    you can filter on them if an object you're fetching has fips as a property
    • .